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Index: Object-oriented Programming in C#

First letter: i


iceberg (a class seen as)On slideIn textbook
ICloneableOn slideIn textbook
ICloneableOn slideIn textbook
ICollection , as non-generic collectionOn slideIn textbook
ICollection, non-generic collection type, in hierarchyOn slideIn textbook
ICollection>, in class overviewOn slideIn textbook
ICollectionOn slideIn textbook
ICollection, in hierarchy of list classesOn slideIn textbook
IComparableOn slideIn textbook
IComparable<T>On slideIn textbook
IComparable, reproduction of interfaceOn slideIn textbook
identity (of objects)On slideIn textbook
IDictionary, non-generic collection type, in hierarchyOn slideIn textbook
IDictionaryOn slideIn textbook
IDictionary>, in class overviewOn slideIn textbook
IDisposableOn slideIn textbook
IDisposable, interfaceOn slideIn textbook
IEnumerableOn slideIn textbook
IEnumerable, non-generic collection type, in hierarchyOn slideIn textbook
IEnumerable, reproduction of interfaceOn slideIn textbook
IEnumerable, sample use ofOn slideIn textbook
IEnumerable>, in class overviewOn slideIn textbook
IEnumerableOn slideIn textbook
IEnumerable, in hierarchy of list classesOn slideIn textbook
IEnumeratorOn slideIn textbook
IEnumerator, reproduction of interfaceOn slideIn textbook
IEnumerator, sample use ofOn slideIn textbook
IEnumeratorOn slideIn textbook
IEquality - generic InterfaceOn slideIn textbook
IEqualityComparer - generic InterfaceOn slideIn textbook
IEquatable, simpler interface than IComparableOn slideIn textbook
if, control structure similar to COn slideIn textbook
if-else, control structure similar to COn slideIn textbook
IFormatProviderOn slideIn textbook
IFormattableOn slideIn textbook
IFormatter, interface related to serializationOn slideIn textbook
IGameObject, example of interfaceOn slideIn textbook
ignore errorsOn slideIn textbook
IList, non-generic collection type, in hierarchyOn slideIn textbook
IListOn slideIn textbook
Ilist, in hierarcy of list classesOn slideIn textbook
Illustration of variables of reference typesOn slideIn textbook
Illustration of variables of value typesOn slideIn textbook
immutable structsOn slideIn textbook
Impedance mismatchOn slideIn textbook
imperative method combinationOn slideIn textbook
implementation of interface, classOn slideIn textbook
Implementation of MusicElement classesOn slideIn textbook
Implementation of the IntSequence classesOn slide-
Implementation of the IntSequence classesOn slideIn textbook
implicit type conversion, boxingOn slideIn textbook
inconsistent accessibility errorOn slideIn textbook
independent pathOn slideIn textbook
index out of boundOn slideIn textbook
index, time complexity, dictionariesOn slideIn textbook
indexer, in class CollectionOn slideIn textbook
indexer, in IListOn slideIn textbook
indexer, inheritance ofOn slideIn textbook
indexer, member in IDictionaryOn slideIn textbook
indexer, member in IDictionaryOn slideIn textbook
indexer, member in ListOn slideIn textbook
indexer, time complexity of, in list classesOn slideIn textbook
indexer, virtual On slideIn textbook
Indexers in C#On slideIn textbook
indexers, C# in relation to JavaOn slideIn textbook
indexers, compared with methods and propertiesOn slideIn textbook
indexers, syntax ofOn slideIn textbook
IndexOf, member in ListOn slideIn textbook
IndexOf, method in CollectionOn slideIn textbook
IndexOf, method in IListOn slideIn textbook
IndexOf, time complexity of, in list classesOn slideIn textbook
IndexOutOfRangeExceptionOn slideIn textbook
Indirect data accessOn slideIn textbook
Infinite Collections of IntegersOn slide-
InheritanceOn slideIn textbook
Inheritance and ConstructorsOn slideIn textbook
Inheritance and ContractsOn slideIn textbook
Inheritance and VariablesOn slideIn textbook
Inheritance and visibilityOn slideIn textbook
Inheritance of methods, properties, and indexersOn slideIn textbook
Inheritance of methods: Example.On slideIn textbook
Inheritance, in C#On slideIn textbook
inheritance, in relation to generic typesOn slideIn textbook
initializationOn slideIn textbook
Initialization of class variablesOn slideIn textbook
Initialization of objectsOn slideIn textbook
initialization order, constructors and initializersOn slideIn textbook
initialization, instance variableOn slideIn textbook
initialization, local variableOn slideIn textbook
initialization, of structsOn slideIn textbook
initializerOn slideIn textbook
initializer, collectionOn slideIn textbook
initializer, objectOn slideIn textbook
initializersOn slideIn textbook
inlining - of propertiesOn slideIn textbook
inner exceptionsOn slideIn textbook
InnerException - property in class ExceptionOn slideIn textbook
Input and outputOn slideIn textbook
Input to a Black Box TestOn slideIn textbook
input, C# in relation to COn slideIn textbook
Insert, member in ListOn slideIn textbook
Insert, method in CollectionOn slideIn textbook
Insert, method in IListOn slideIn textbook
Insert, time complexity of, in list classesOn slideIn textbook
InsertItem, protected method in CollectionOn slideIn textbook
InsertRange, member in ListOn slideIn textbook
Install DoxygenOn slideIn textbook
Install NunitOn slideIn textbook
instance methodOn slideIn textbook
Instance MethodsOn slideIn textbook
instance methods, in relation to delegatesOn slideIn textbook
instance variableOn slideIn textbook
instance variable, initialization ofOn slideIn textbook
Instance VariablesOn slideIn textbook
instantiationOn slideIn textbook
Instantiation of classesOn slideIn textbook
Instantiation of classes in C#On slideIn textbook
IntCompSeq, programmed with yield returnOn slideIn textbook
IntCompSeq, subclass of IntSequenceOn slide-
integrate, an aspect of reusabilityOn slideIn textbook
intended redefinitionOn slideIn textbook
intension - of class extensionsOn slideIn textbook
intension, of conceptOn slideIn textbook
interfaceOn slideIn textbook
interface (of a class)On slideIn textbook
interface, as reference typeOn slideIn textbook
interface, explicit member implementationOn slideIn textbook
interface, using collections viaOn slideIn textbook
InterfacesOn slideIn textbook
Interfaces from the C# LibrariesOn slideIn textbook
Interfaces in C#On slideIn textbook
Interfaces to clients and subclassesOn slideIn textbook
interfaces, C# in relation to JavaOn slideIn textbook
interfaces, genericOn slideIn textbook
interfaces, syntactic rules of C#On slideIn textbook
internal access, of types in a name spaceOn slideIn textbook
Internal VisibilityOn slideIn textbook
internal, visibility modifierOn slideIn textbook
Intersection, union, and difference: Operations on setsOn slideIn textbook
Interval indexerOn slideIn textbook
Interval, IEnumerator inOn slideIn textbook
Interval, overloaded operators inOn slideIn textbook
IntInterval, programmed with yield return On slideIn textbook
IntInterval, subclass of IntSequenceOn slide-
Introduction to Program TestingOn slideIn textbook
IntSequence, example of CompositeOn slide-
IntSetOn slideIn textbook
IntSingular, programmed with yield returnOn slideIn textbook
IntSingular, subclass of IntSequenceOn slide-
InvalidCastExceptionOn slideIn textbook
invariance, genericsOn slideIn textbook
invariantOn slideIn textbook
IO, C# in relation to COn slideIn textbook
IOExceptionOn slideIn textbook
is, new operator in C#On slideIn textbook
is, operatorOn slideIn textbook
is-a relationOn slideIn textbook
ISO Latin 1, EncodingOn slideIn textbook
IsReadOnly, property in ICollectionOn slideIn textbook
Iterator blocks and yield returnOn slide-
Iterator, design patternOn slideIn textbook