
(My pages on Microsoft Academic Search, Google Scholar,, HCI Bibliography)

Journal Papers

  1. Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2002) Designing Interactive Narrative Systems: Is Object-Orientation Useful? Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 57-66
  2. Skov, M. B. and Høegh, R. T. (2006) Supporting Information Access in a Hospital Ward by a Context-Aware Mobile Electronic Patient Record. In Crestani, F. et al. (Eds.) Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 205-214
  3. Howard, S., Kjeldskov, J., and Skov, M. B. (2007) Pervasive Computing in the Domestic Space. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer London, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 329-333
  4. Garnæs, K. N., Grünberger, O., Kjeldskov, J., and Skov, M. B. (2007) Designing Technologies for Presence-in-Absence: Illustrating the Cube and the Picture Frame. In Howard et al. (Eds.) Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer London, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 403-408
  5. Kjeldskov, J. and Skov, M.B. (2007) Studying Usability in Sitro: Simulating Real World Phenomena in Controlled Environments. In Fields, B. et al. (Eds) International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Lawrence Erlbaum, Vol. 22, No. 1-2, pp. 7-36
  6. Kjeldskov, J. and Skov, M. B. (2007) Exploring Context-Awareness for Ubiquitous Computing in the Healthcare Domain. In Roussos, G. and Konomi, S. (Eds.) Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer London, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 549-562
  7. Hosbond, J. H. and Skov, M. B. (2008) Micro Mobility Marketing: Two Cases on Location-Based Supermarket Shopping Trolleys. Journal of Targeting, Measurement & Analysis for Marketing, Palgrave Macmillan, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 68-77
  8. Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2009) A Conceptual Tool for Usability Problem Identification in Website Development. International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE), IGI Global, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 22-35
  9. Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage, J. (2010) A Longitudinal Study of Usability in Health Care - Does Time Heal? International Journal of Medical Informatics, Elsevier, Vol. 79, pp. 135-143
  10. Black, D., Clemmensen, N. J., and Skov, M. B. (2010) Pervasive Computing in the Supermarket: Designing a Context-Aware Shopping Trolley. International Journal of Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (IJMHCI), IGI Global, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 31-43
  11. Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., Nielsen, G. W., Thorup, S., and Vestergaard, M. (2012) Digital Urban Ambience: Mediating Context on Mobile Devices in the City. In Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing (forthcoming)
  12. Skov, M. B., and Stage, J. (2012) Training Software Developers and Designers to Conduct Usability Evaluations. Behaviour and Information Technology, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 425-435
  13. Skov M. B., Kjeldskov, J., Paay, J., Husted, N., Nørskov, J. S., Pedersen, K. (2012) Designing on-site: Facilitating Participatory Contextual Architecture with Mobile Phones. In Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing (forthcoming)


  1. Skov, M. B. (2002) Design of Interactive Narratives: Concepts, Methods, and Architectures. PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark, ISSN 1601-0590
  2. Bekker, T., Robertson, J., and Skov, M. B. (Eds) (2007) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC'07), Aalborg, Denmark, ACM, ISBN 978-1-59593-747-6

Book Chapters

  1. Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2001) Using Software Engineering Approaches to Model Dynamics in Interactive Software Systems. Virtual Interaction: Interaction in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds. Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 404 - 421
  2. Skov, M. B. (2001) Enhancing the Usefulness of Community Chat Rooms: Application of Autonomous Agents. Virtual Interaction: Interaction in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds. Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 119 - 131
  3. Skov, M. B. and Eriksen, L. B. (2003) Evaluating Software Engineering Modelling Concepts in the Context of Multimedia Systems Design. In Halskov, K. (Ed.) Production Methods: Behind the Scenes Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds. Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 6 - 17
  4. Høegh, R. T., Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage J. (2008) A Field Laboratory for Evaluating In Situ. In Lumsden, J. (Ed.) Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology, Information Science Reference,
  5. Yarosh, S., Davis, H., Modlitba, P., Skov, M. B., and Vetere, F. (2009) Mobile Technologies for Parent/Child Relationships. In A. Druin, ed., Mobile Technology for Children: Designing for Interaction and Learning. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 289-310
  6. Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2010) Supporting Web Developers in Evaluating Usability and Identifying Usability Problems. In Spiliotopoulos, T. et al. (Eds.) Integrating Usability Engineering for Designing the Web Experience: Methodologies and Principles, Information Science Reference, New York, pp. 1-14

International Conference Papers

  1. Eriksen, L. B., Skov, M. B., and Stage, J. (2000) Multimedia Systems Design Processes: Experiences and Requirements. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Narrative and Learning Environments. Leeds University, pp. 75 – 82
  2. Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2001) Experimental Evaluation of an Object-Oriented Modeling Method: Designing a Multimedia System. In Proceedings of the 6th CAiSE/IFIP8.1 International Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design. Sintef, Oslo, pp. 18-1 - 18.12
  3. Skov, M. B. (2001) Autonomous Agents for Initiating Communication in Internet Community Chat Rooms. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems. iCue Publishing, Berlin, pp. 13 – 21
  4. Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2001) A Simple Approach to Web-Site Usability Testing. In Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Universal Access in Computer-Human Interaction. Lawrence-Erlbaum Associates, pp. 737 - 741
  5. Skov, M. B. and Andersen, P. B. (2001) Designing Interactive Narratives. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computational Semiotics in Games and New Media, CWI, pp. 59 - 66
  6. Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2001) Detection of Web-Site Usability Problems: Empirical Comparison of Two Testing Usability Methods. In Proceedings of the 1st Panhellic Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Typorama, Greece, pp. 146 - 150
  7. Kjeldskov, J. and Skov, M. B. (2003) Evaluating the Usability of a Mobile Collaborative System: Exploring Two Different Laboratory Approaches. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium for Collaborative Technologies and Systems, SCS, pp. 134 – 141
  8. Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2003) Supporting Novices in Detecting Web Site Usability Problems: A Comparison of the Think-Aloud and Questionnaire Methods. In Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Lawrence-Erlbaum Associates, pp. 858 – 862
  9. Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2003) Enhancing Usability Testing Skills of Novice Testers: A Longitudinal Study. In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Universal Access in Computer-Human Interaction, Lawrence-Erlbaum Associates, pp. 1035 – 1039
  10. Kjeldskov, J. and Skov, M. B. (2003) Evaluating the Usability of Mobile Systems: Exploring Different Laboratory Approaches. In Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Lawrence-Erlbaum Associates, pp. 123 – 127
  11. Kjeldskov, J. and Skov, M. B. (2003) Creating Realistic Laboratory Settings: Comparative Studies of Three Think-Aloud Usability Evaluations of a Mobile System. In Proceedings of the 9th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interact2003), IOS Press, pp. 663 – 670
  12. Høegh, R. T. and Skov, M. B. (2004) MobileWard: A Context-Aware Mobile System Supporting Work in a Hospital Ward. In Proceedings of the IADIS Applied Computing 2004 Conference, pp. II-218-II-223
  13. Høegh, R. T. and Skov, M. B. (2004) Exploring Context-Awareness as Mean for Supporting Mobile Work at a Hospital Ward. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Work with Computing Systems (WWCS 2004) (Best Student Paper Award)
  14. Kjeldskov, J. and Skov, M. B. (2004) Supporting Work Activities in Healthcare by Mobile Electronic Patient Records. In Proceedings of the 6th Asian Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI’04), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3101, pp. 191 – 200
  15. Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., Als, B. S., and Høegh, R. T. (2004) Is it Worth the Hassle? Exploring the Added Value of Evaluating the Usability of Context-Aware Mobile Systems in the Field. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2004), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3160, pp. 61 – 73
  16. Po, S., Howard, S., Vetere, F., and Skov, M. B. (2004) Heuristic Evaluation and Mobile Usability: Bridging the Realism Gap. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2004), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3160, pp. 61 – 73
  17. Kjeldskov, J. and Skov, M. B., and Stage, J. (2004) Instant Data Analysis: Conducting Usability Evaluations in a Day. In Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (NordiCHI’04), ACM Press, pp. 233 – 240
  18. Skov, M. B., Gajos, M., and Thomsen, J. D. (2004) Evaluating Computer Games for Children: Exploring Fun through the Concept of Flow. In CD-Proceedings of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2004 (OzCHI’04)
  19. Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2004) Integrating Usability Design and Evaluation: Training Software Developers in Usability Test Conduction. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Improving the Interplay between Usability Evaluation and User Interface Design
  20. Skov, M. B., Andersen, B. L., Duhn, K., Garnæs, K. N., Grünberger, O., Kold, U., Mortensen, A. B., and Sørensen, J. A. L. (2004) Designing a Drawing Tool for Children: Supporting Social Interaction and Communication. In CD-Proceedings of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2004 (OzCHI’04)
  21. Als, B. S., Jensen, J. J., and Skov, M. B. (2005) Comparison of Think-Aloud and Constructive Interaction in Usability Testing with Children. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC'05), ACM Press
  22. Jensen, J. J. and Skov, M. B. (2005) A Review of Research Methods in Children’s Technology Design. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC'05), ACM Press
  23. Als, B. S., Jensen, J. J., and Skov, M. B. (2005) Usability Testing with Children: Comparing Think-Aloud and Constructive Interaction. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Child Computer Interaction: Methodological Research, pp. 1-4
  24. Als, B. S., Jensen, J. J., and Skov, M. B. (2005) Exploring verbalization and collaboration of constructive interaction with children. In Proceedings of the 10th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interact2005), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3585, pp. 443 – 456
  25. Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage, J. (2005) Does Time Heal? A Longitudinal Study of Usability. In Balbo, S. and Bentley, T. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2005 (OzCHI’05), Canberra, Australia, ACM Press, 10 pages
  26. Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2005) Supporting Problem Identification in Usability Evaluations. In Balbo, S. and Bentley, T. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2005 (OzCHI’05), Canberra, Australia, ACM Press, 9 pages
  27. Howard, S., Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., Garnæs, K. N., and Grünberger, O. (2006) Negotiating Presence-in-Absence: Contact, Content and Context. In Jeffries, R. (Ed.) Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’06), Montreal, Canada, ACM Press, pp. 909-912
  28. Dalsgaard, T., Skov, M. B., Stougaard, M., and Thomassen, B. (2006) Mediated Intimacy in Families: Understanding the Relation between Children and Parents. In Markopoulos, M. and Antle, A. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC'06), Tampere, Finland, ACM Press, pp. 145-152
  29. Andersen, B. L., Jørgensen, M. L., Kold, U., and Skov, M. B. (2006) iSocialize: Investigating Awareness Cues for a Mobile Social Awareness Application. In Kjeldskov, J. and Paay, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2006 (OzCHI’06), Sydney, Australia, ACM Press, pp. 7-14
  30. Kjeldskov J. Skov M.B. and Stage J. (2007) A Longitudinal Study of Usability in Health Care - Does Time Heal? Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Health Care (ITHC 2007), Sydney, Australia, 28-30 August 2007, IOS Press, pp. 181-192
  31. Dalsgaard, T., Skov, M. B., Thomassen, B. R. (2007) eKISS: Sharing Experiences in Families through a Picture Blog. In Proceedings of HCI 2007 The 21st British HCI Group Annual Conference (BCS-HCI’07), Lancaster, United Kingdom, pp. 67-78
  32. Davis, H., Skov, M. B., Stougaard, M., and Vetere, F. (2007) Virtual Box: Supporting Mediated Family Intimacy through Virtual and Physical Play. In Billinghurst, M. (Ed) Proceedings of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2007 (OzCHI’07), Adelaide, Australia, ACM Press
  33. Bach, K. M., Jæger, M. G., Skov, M. B., and Thomassen, N. G. (2008) You Can Touch, but You Can’t Look: Interacting with In-Vehicle Systems. In Burnett, M. and Costabile, M. F. (Eds.) Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’08), Florence, Italy, ACM Press, pp. 1139-1148
  34. Bach, K. M., Jæger, M. G., Skov, M. B., and Thomassen, N. G. (2008) Evaluating Driver Attention and Driving Behavior: Comparing Controlled Driving and Simulated Driving. In Proceedings of HCI 2008 The 22st British HCI Group Annual Conference (BCS-HCI’08), Liverpool, United Kingdom, pp. 193-201
  35. Black, D., Clemmensen, N. J., and Skov, M. B. (2009) Supporting the Supermarket Shopping Experience through a Context-Aware Shopping Trolley. In Kjeldskov, J. and Paay, J. (Eds) Proceedings of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2009 (OzCHI’09), Melbourne, Australia, ACM Press, pp. 33-40
  36. Bach, K. M., Jæger, M. G., Skov, M. B., and Thomassen, N. G. (2009) Interacting with In-Vehicle Information Systems: Understanding, Measuring, and Evaluating Attention. In Proceedings of HCI 2009 The 23rd British HCI Group Annual Conference (BCS-HCI’09), Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp.
  37. Jensen, B. S., Skov, M. B., and Thiruravichandran, N. (2010) Studying Driver Attention and Behaviour for Three Configurations of GPS Navigation in Real Traffic Driving. In Edwards, K. and Rodden, T. (Eds.) Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’10), Atlanta, USA, ACM Press, pp. 1271-1280
  38. Kallehave, O., Skov, M. B., and Tiainen, N. (2010) Reducing the Paradox of Choice: Designing a Nutritious Persuasive Shopping Trolley. In Proceedings of the the 5th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (Persuasive 2010), Springer
  39. Christiansen, L. H., Frederiksen, N. Y., Jensen, B. S., Ranch, A., Skov, M. B., and Thiruravichandran, N. (2011) Don’t Look at Me, I’m Talking to You: Investigating Input and Output Modalities for In-Vehicle Systems. Proceedings of the 13th IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interact 2011), Lisbon, Portugal, ACM Press, pp. 675-691
  40. Christiansen, L. H., Frederiksen, B. S., Ranch, A., Skov, M. B. (2011) Investigating the Effects of an Advance Warning In-Vehicle System on Behavior and Attention in Controlled Driving. In Tscheligi et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AUI’11), ACM Press, pp. 121-128
  41. Paay, J., Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and O’Hara, K. (2011) Spooning in the Kitchen. In Loke and Robertson (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on The Body in Design, University of Technology Sydney, pp. 30-33
  42. Kallehave, O., Skov, M. B., and Tiainen, N. (2011) Persuasion In-Situ: Shopping for Healthy Food in Supermarkets. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Persuasion, Influence, Nudge & Coercion through mobile devices (PINC@CHI2011), CEUR Proceedings, pp. 7-10
  43. Myrup, M. L., Skov, M. B., and Stage, J. (2012) Will You Have Dinner with Me Tonight: Eating Together Apart. In Comber et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Food and Interaction Design: Designing for Food in Everyday Life, CHI’12
  44. Paay, J., Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and O’Hara, K. (2012) Cooking Together: A Digital Ethnography. In Proceedings of the International Conference extended abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’12), Austin, USA, ACM Press
  45. Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., Paay, J., and Pathmanathan, R. (2012) Using Mobile Phones to Support Sustainability: A Field Study of Residential Electricity Consumption. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’12), Austin, USA, ACM Press, pp. 2347-2356
  46. Paay, J., Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and O’Hara, K. (2012) More Spooning in the Kitchen. In Comber et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Food and Interaction Design: Designing for Food in Everyday Life, CHI’12
  47. Houmark, M., Johansen, K. B., and Skov, M. B. (2012) Understanding YouTube as a Music Service: A Teenage Perspective. In Proceedings of the Workshop Designing Interactive Technology for Teens, NordiCHI'12.

Position Papers

  1. Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage, J. (2001) Work Practices for Usability Testing of Computerized Systems and Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of the 1st Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium. Århus University, Denmark, pp. 45 - 46
  2. Kjeldskov, J. and Skov, M. B. (2002) Evaluating the Usability of Mobile Systems: Exploring Different Laboratory Approaches. In Proceedings of the 2nd Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium. Copenhagen University, Denmark, pp. 34 - 35
  3. Als, B. S., Høegh, R. T., Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage, J. (2003) Comparing Usability Evaluations of Mobile Systems. In Proceedings of the 3rd Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium. Roskilde University, Denmark
  4. Kjeldskov J, Skov M. B. and Stage J. (2004) Evaluating IT Systems for the Healthcare Domain: Longitudinal Usability Studies and Rapid Analysis Techniques. In Proceedings of the 4th Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium. Aalborg University, Denmark
  5. Als, B. S., Frøkjær, E., Hornbæk, K. Høegh, R. T., Jensen, J. J., Nørgaard, M., Skov, M. B., and Stage, J., Uldall-Espersen, T. (2005) The USE Project: Bridging the Gap between Usability Evaluation and Software Development. In Proceedings of the 5th Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, pp. 110-114
  6. Als, B. S., Jensen, J. J., and Skov, M. B. (2004) Usability Evaluation with Children. In Proceedings of the 4th Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium. Aalborg University, Denmark

Work in submission or progress

  1. Raptis, D., Papachristos, E., Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Avouris N. (2012) Studying User Experience of Mobile Devices: Non-Instrumental versus Instrumental Interaction.
  2. Paay, J., Kjeldskov, J., and Skov, M. B. (2012) Situated Interactions: Integrating Architectural and Interaction Design