

My research evolves around use of technology in human activity and my work is within different areas of human-computer interaction, interaction design, mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing.

The mobileliving stream investigates design and evaluation of mobile technologies for various human activities. Here I have conducted a number of studies and experiments enquiring into the opportunities and limitations of field and laboratory based evaluations, new experimental laboratory and field-based techniques meeting these challenges including the development of a mobile data collection facility for increasing data collection quality in the field, different analysis techniques, and integration of usability results into industrial interaction design. Secondly, I have conducted research on use of mobile systems with a particular focus on context-awareness and location-based services.

A third stream of research is usability engineering. Key publications from the usability engineering research stream (Kjeldskov and Skov, 2007; Skov and Stage, 2009; Kjeldskov, Skov, and Stage, 2010; Skov and Stage, 2012)

Contexts for Research

Children. My focus is on understanding of children and their needs and requirements of information technologies and it includes a number of different initiatives. During the last years, I have been involved in different research activities on interaction design and children and have conducted several studies on children’s involvement during evaluation of software products. Several of these studies have been conducted using our state-of-the-art usability laboratory that includes both a stationary lab and a mobile lab. My research on interaction design and children spans around two activities. First, we are concerned with involving children during evaluation. During the past four years, I have conducted or managed more than 100 usability sessions with children. This research has primarily focused on social aspects of evaluating children’s technologies. Secondly, I am involved in the design of innovative and emerging technologies for children and have managed a project on designing drawing tools for young children that supported and facilitated social interaction during and after drawing sessions.

Selected publications:

Further, I am involved in the International Conference series of Interaction Design and Children (IDC) where I serve on the steering committee (2007-now), general chair (IDC2007), short papers chair (IDC2007), workshop co-chair (IDC2009).

Healthcare. I further have an interest in mobile and pervasive healthcare. This has been documented in a number of scientific papers - pervasive applications

(Høegh and Skov, 2004; Høegh and Skov, 2004; Kjeldskov and Skov, 2004; Skov and Høegh, 2006; Kjeldskov and Skov, 2007; Myrup, Skov, and Stage, 2012), evaluating mobile and pervasive applications (Kjeldskov, Skov, et al. 2004; Kjeldskov, Skov, and Stage, 2005; Kjeldskov, Skov, and Stage, 2007; Kjeldskov and Skov, 2007; Kjeldskov, Skov, and Stage, 2010; Høegh et al., 2008).

Driving. The environment for in-vehicle system interaction is highly dynamic and interactive, and criteria regarding usability, learning ability, efficiency, memorization, error handling and satisfaction, have been extended also to comprise the requirement that driver distraction must be avoided. Avoiding distraction and attention deficits in the driving task is the predominant challenge in in-vehicle systems development and as such an in-vehicle system should aim at taking the fewest resources from the driver. Attention to the primary task has always been an important issue in car manufacturing and car engineers have for the most part been able to come up with solutions that do not demand (visual) attention; throttle control, brakes, gear shift lever, clutch, etc. Traditional sources of internal distraction such as conversations with passengers, eating, drinking, lighting a cigarette, etc. have now been supplemented with interaction with more or less elaborate information systems. This makes driver attention and appropriate secondary task interaction design as topical as ever. My research have focused primarily on attention and driving performance while interacting with in-vehicle systems, see

Selected publications on driving:

Sustainability. To be added

Intimacy and Social Interaction. To be added

Selected publications:

Food and Cooking. To be added

Selected publications:

My research is documented in a number of publications.