Chapter 13
Contracts and Assertions

Kurt Nørmark ©
Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark

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This lecture is about program correctness relative to specifications given by assertions. We discuss preconditions, postconditions, and invariants. The use of assertions for specifications of object-oriented program is known as Design by Contract.


Software Qualities
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A software quality is a positive property of a program

There are many different software qualities that may be considered and promoted

Table. Different program qualities listed by name, description, and (for selected qualities) a contrasting, opposite quality
CorrectSatisfies expectations, intentions, or requirementsErroneous
RobustCan resist unexpected eventsFragile
ReusableCan be used in several contextsApplication specific
SimpleAvoids complicated solutionsComplex
TestableConstructed to ease revelation of errors-
UnderstandableMental manageabilityCryptic

Of all software qualities correctness play a particular important role

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A correct program - in relation to what?

  • The programmers own, immediate comprehension

    • Not formulated - not documented - volatile - easily forgotten

    • Sometimes incomplete

  • A program specification

    • Formulated - written

    • Well-considered and agreed upon

    • Formal or informal

    • Part of the program

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The concept program specification:

A program specification is a definition of what a computer program is expected to do [Wikipedia].

What - not how.


  • Formal techniques for specification of abstract datatypes

    • Algebraic specifications

      • Equations that define how certain operations work on constructor expressions

    • Axiomatic specifications

      • Logical expressions - assertions - associated with classes and operations

      • Often divided into invariants, preconditions, and postconditions

Program: An algebraic specification of a stack.
Type stack [int]
  		new () -> stack;
  		push (int, stack) -> stack;
  		pop (stack) -> stack;
  		top (stack) -> int;
  		isnew (stack) -> bool;
  for all
  	i in int;
  	s in stack;
  	pop (new()) = error;
  	pop (push (i,s)) = s;
  	top (new()) = error;
  	top (push (i,s)) = i;
  	isnew (new()) = true;
  	isnew (push(i,s)) = false;
end stack.

Program: An axiomatic specification of the squareroot function.
sqrt(x: Real) -> Real

  precondition: x >= 0;

  postcondition: abs(result * result - x) <= 0.000001

Specification with preconditions and postconditions

Logical expressions
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The concept logical expression: A logical expression is an expression of type boolean
The concept assertion: An assertion is a logical expression, which, if false, indicates an error [Foldoc]
The concept precondition: A precondition of an operation is an assertion which must be true just before the operation is called
The concept postcondition: A postcondition of an operation is an assertion which must be true just after the operation has been completed

  • Precondition

    • A precondition states if it makes sense to call an operation

    • The precondition is a prerequisite for the activation

  • Postcondition

    • A postcondition states if the operation returns the desired result, or has the desired effect, relative to the given parameters that satisfy the precondition

    • The postcondition defines the meaning of the operation

Examples of preconditions and postconditions
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Preconditions and postconditions in a circular list

A circular list. The large yellow object represents the circular list as such. The circular green nodes represent the elements of the list. The rectangular nodes are instances of a class akin to LinkedListNode, which connect the constituents of the list together.

Program: Circular list with preconditions and postconditions.
class CircularList {

  // Construct an empty circular list 
  public CircularList()
    require true;  
    ensure Empty();  

  // Return my number of elements 
  public int Size()
    require true;  
    ensure size = CountElements() && noChange;  

  // Insert el as a new first element 
  public void InsertFirst(Object el)
    require !Full();  
    ensure !Empty() && IsCircular() && IsFirst(el);  
  // Insert el as a new last element 
  public void InsertLast(Object el)
    require !Full();  
    ensure !Empty() && IsCircular() && IsLast(el);  

  // Delete my first element 
  public void DeleteFirst()
    require !Empty();  
      Empty() || 
      (IsCircular() && IsFirst(old RetrieveSecond()));  

  // Delete my last element 
  public void DeleteLast()
    require !Empty();  
      Empty() || 
      (IsCircular() && isLast(old RetrieveButLast()));  

  // Return the first element in the list 
  Object RetrieveFirst()
    require !Empty();  
    ensure IsFirst(result) && noChange;  

  // Return the last element in the list 
  Object RetrieveLast()
    require !Empty();  
    ensure IsLast(result) && noChange;  

An Assertion Language
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We need an assertion language in which to write preconditions, postconditions, and other assertions

We want to check the assertions when the program runs

  • A possible assertion language

    • Logical expressions - as in the programming language

    • Programmed assertions - via boolean functions of the programming language

      • Should be simple functions

      • Problems if there are errors in these

    • Universal ("for all...") and existential ("there exists...") quantifiers

      • Requires programming - iteration - traversal

      • It may be expensive to check assertions with quantifiers

    • Informal assertions, written in natural language

      • Cannot be checked

      • Much better than nothing

    • Special means of expression

      • old Expr - The value of the expression at the beginning of the operation

      • nochange - A simple way to state that the operation has not changed the state of the object

Responsibilities and Contracts

Questions Related to Responsibility
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  • Is there an even and balanced distribution of responsibility among the objects?

  • Are there objects around that are burdened by unreasonable amounts of responsibility?

    • And presumably hereby also by too much complexity.

  • Are there responsibilities that no object care about?

  • Are the responsibilities that two objects redundantly care about?

    • Due to weak rules about division of responsibilities.

Division of Responsibilities
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A class manages a certain responsibility

We wish to avoid that a set of classes escape from responsibilities

We also wish to avoid overlapping responsibilities between pair of classes


  • Division of responsibilities

    • Without well-defined division of responsibilities

      • All classes accept a large responsibility

      • All program parts check all possible conditions (defensive programming)

      • Makes a large program even larger

    • With well-defined division of responsibilities

      • Operations can safely operate under given assumptions

      • It is well-defined which parts should check which conditions

      • Simplifies the program

The highly responsible program
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We illustrate and exaggerate the interaction between a BankAccount and Client

An illustration of overlapping responsibilities

Program: Excerpt of highly responsible class Client of BankAccount.
public class Client{

  public static void Main(){

    BankAccount ba = new BankAccount("Peter");

    if (ba.AccountOK && ba.EnoughMoney(1000))
    if (!ba.AccountOK)
    if (ba.Balance <= 0)

    if (ba.AccountOK)
    if (!ba.AccountOK)


Program: Excerpt of highly responsible class BankAccount.
public class BankAccount {

   private double interestRate;
   private string owner;
   private double balance;

   // ...

   public void Withdraw (double amount) {
      if (!AccountOK)
      else if (!this.EnoughMoney(amount))
        balance -= amount;

   public void Deposit (double amount) {
      if (amount >= 10000000)
      else if (!AccountOK)
      alse balance += amount;

Responsibility division by pre and postconditions
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Preconditions and postconditions can be used to divide the responsibility between classes in an object-oriented program

  • Fulfillment of the precondition

    • The responsibility of the caller

    • The responsibility of the client in an object-oriented program

  • Fulfillment of the postcondition

    • The responsibility of the called operation

    • The responsibility of the server in an object-oriented program

Blame the caller if a precondition of an operation fails

Blame the called operation if the postcondition of an operation fails

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The preconditions and the postconditions together form a contract between the client class and the server class

The concept contract: A contract expresses the mutual obligations in between parts of a program that cooperate about the solution of some problem

  • Violating the contract

    • A serious problem

    • An error relative to the specification

    • Should raise an exception

    • Most likely stops the program execution

Everyday Contracts
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Contracts are all around us in our everyday life

  • Student and University

    • The student enrolls some course

    • The university offers a teacher, a room, supervision and other resources

  • Citizen and Tax office

    • The citizen does a tax return

    • The tax office calculates the taxes, and regulates the paid amount of money

  • Football player and Football club

    • The player promises to play 50 games per season

    • The football club pays 10.000.000 kroner to the player pr. month

  • Citizen and Insurance company

    • The insurance holder pays the insurance and promises to avoid insurance fraud

    • In case of a damage or accident, the insurance company pays compensation

Contracts: Obligations and Benefits
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Figure. A give-and-take situation involving a client and a server (supplier) class.

Obligation - May involve hard work

Benefit - A delight. No work involved

Obligations and Benefits in Sqrt
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Program: An axiomatic specification of the squareroot function.
sqrt(x: Real) -> Real

  precondition: x >= 0;

  postcondition: abs(result * result - x) <= 0.000001

Table. A tabular presentation of the obligations and benefits of the squareroot function (in a server role) and its callers (in a client role).
ClientMust pass a non-negative numberReceives the squareroot of the input
ServerReturns a number r for which r * r = xTake for granted that x is non-negative

Notice in particular the obligation of the client and the benefit of the server

Class Invariants

General aspects of contracts
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A class invariant expresses some constraints that must be true at every stable point in time during the life of an object

The concept class invariant: A class invariant expresses properties of an object which are stable in between operations initiated via the public client interface

  • A class invariant

    • acts as a general strengthening of both the precondition and postcondition

    • expresses a "health criterion" of the object

    • must be fulfilled by the constructor

    • must be maintained by the public operations

    • must not necessarily be maintained by private and protected operations

Everyday invariants
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Adherence to invariants is the key to order in our daily lives

  • Coffee Machine

    • In between operations there is always at least one cup of coffee available

  • Toilet

    • In between "transactions" there is always at least 0.75 meter of toilet paper on the roll

  • Keys and wallet

    • In between using keys and/or wallet

      • During daytime: Keys and wallet are in the pocket

      • During nighttime: Keys are wallet are located on the bedside table or underneath the pillow

An example of a class invariant
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The class invariant of a circular lists expresses that the list is circular whenever it is non-empty

Program: Circular list with a class invariant.
class CircularList {

  // Construct an empty circular list 
  public CircularList()
    require true;   
    ensure empty();   

  // Return my number of elements 
  public int size()
    require true;   
    ensure (size = countElements) && noChange;   

  // Insert el as a new first element 
  public void insertFirst(Object el)
    require !full();   
    ensure !empty() && isFirst(el);   
  // Insert el as a new last element 
  public void insertLast(Object el)
    require !full();   
    ensure !empty() && isLast(el);     

  // Delete my first element 
  public void deleteFirst()
    require !empty();   
    ensure (empty() || isFirst(old retrieveSecond));   

  // Delete my last element 
  public void deleteLast()
    require !empty();   
    ensure (empty() || isLast(old retrieveButLast()));   

  // Return the first element in the list 
  Object retrieveFirst()
    require !empty();   
    ensure isFirst(result) && noChange;   

  // Return the last element in the list 
  Object retrieveLast()
    require !empty();   
    ensure isLast(result) && noChange;   

    !empty() implies isCircular()  and
    empty() implies (size() = 0);   


Inheritance is Subcontracting

Inheritance and Contracts
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How do the assertions in a subclass relate to the similar assertions in the superclass?

Figure. The relationship between inheritance and contracts

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Due to polymorphism an instance of a subclass can act as stand in for an instance of the superclass

Consequently, the contracts of the subclass must comply with the contract of the superclass

The contract of a subclass must therefore be a subcontract of the superclass' contract

  • Assertions in a subclass

    • The precondition must not be stronger than the precondition in the superclass

    • The postcondition must not be weaker than the postcondition in the superclass

    • The class invariant must not be weaker than the invariant in the superclass

Operations in subclasses cannot arbitrarily redefine/override operations in superclasses

Class invariants in the triangle class hierarchy
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Figure. Most general triangle:
3 non-zero angles
3 non-zero edges
Sum of angles: 180 degrees

Isosceles triangle
Invariant of general triangle
2 edges of equal length

Equilateral triangle:
Invariant of isosceles triangle
3 edges of equal length

Right triangle:
Invariant of general triangle

Isosceles right triangle:
Invariant of isosceles triangle
Invariant of right triangle


Assertions in Abstract classes
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It is - in particular - useful to supply assertions in abstract classes

Program: An abstract class with preconditions and postconditions.
using System;

public abstract class Stack{ 
  abstract public void Push(Object el);
    require !full;   
    ensure  !empty  &&  top() = el  &&  size() = old size() + 1 &&
            "all elements below el are unaffected";   

  abstract public void Pop();
    require !empty();   
    ensure  !full()  &&  size() = old size() - 1 &&
            "all elements remaining are unaffected";   

  abstract public Object Top
    require !empty();   
    ensure  nochange  &&  Top = "the most recently pushed element";    {  
    get; }

  abstract public bool Full
    require true;   
    ensure nochange  &&  Full = (size() = capacity);   {
    get; }

  abstract public bool Empty 
    require true;   
    ensure nochange  &&  Empty = (size() = 0);   {

  abstract public int Size
    require true;   
    ensure nochange  &&  Size = "number of elements on stack";   {

  public void ToggleTop()
    require size() >= 2;   {
    if (Size >= 2){
      Object topEl1 = Top;  Pop();
      Object topEl2 = Top;  Pop();
      Push(topEl1); Push(topEl2);
    ensure size() = old size() && 
    "top and element below top have been exchanged"  &&
    "all other elements are unaffected";       

  public override String ToString(){


Design by Contract

Design by Contract
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Design by ContractTM (DBC) represents the idea of designing and specifying programs by means of assertions

  • Use of contracts in the phases and activities of software development

    • Design: A pragmatic approach to program specification

    • Documentation: Adds very important information to interface documentation of the classes

    • Implementation: Guides and constrains the actual programming

    • Verification: The program can be checked against the specification every time it is executed

    • Test:

      • Preconditions limit the testing work

      • The check of postconditions and class invariants do part of the testing work

    • End use: Trigger exception handling if assertions are violated

DBC and Programming Languages
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Design by Contract is most strongly supported in the programming language Eiffel

Betrand Meyer - the creator of Eiffel - has coined and developed the concept of Design By Contract

  • Design by contract in other languages

    • Several implementations in Java

    • Three implementations in C#-like languages

    • Many others


Code contract and DBC is now supported in C# 4.0

Code Contracts in C# 4.0
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Code contracts in C# 4.0 is modelled after DBCTM in Eiffel

In addition, contract concepts are inspired from MS Spec#

Code contracts in C# is an afterthought - in contrast to Eiffel DBC which is a forethought

  • Code contract characteristics:

    • Conceptually similar to DBC in Eiffel.

    • Supplied via the class library - not the programming language.

    • Relies on static methods in class Contracts.

    • A binary rewritter patches the compiled C# code in order to enable and relocate assertions in the compiled assembly

    • A static contract checker is also supported

      • Based on assertions, the static contract checker attempts to prove program correctness

Loop Invariants

Loop Invariants
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Invariants are not limited to classes

Loop invariants are the primary means to control and reason about loops

Program: Division by repeated subtraction.
using System;

class LoopInvariantDemo{

  static int Div(int x, int y){
    // require x >= 0 && y > 0;   

    int rest = x;
    int quotient = 0;
    while (rest >= y) {
      // invariant rest + quotient * y = x;   
      rest = rest - y;
      quotient = quotient + 1;
    return quotient;
    // ensure  rest + quotient * y = x && rest < y && rest >= 0;   

  public static void Main(){
    Console.WriteLine("Div({0}, {1}) = {2}", 10, 2, Div(10, 2));
    Console.WriteLine("Div({0}, {1}) = {2}", 100, 25, Div(100, 25));
    Console.WriteLine("Div({0}, {1}) = {2}", 1234567, 89, Div(1234567, 89));


Program: Output of the division program.
Div(10, 2) = 5
Div(100, 25) = 4
Div(1234567, 89) = 13871

Program: Division by repeated subtraction - instrumented with output inside loop.
using System;

class LoopInvariantDemo{

  static int Div(int x, int y){
    // require x >= 0 && y > 0;   

    int rest = x;
    int quotient = 0;
    while (rest >= y) {
      // invariant rest + quotient * y = x;   
      Console.WriteLine("{0,-3} + {1,-3} * {2,-3} = {3,-3}", 
                          rest, quotient, y, x);
      rest = rest - y;
      quotient = quotient + 1;
    Console.WriteLine("{0,-3} + {1,-3} * {2,-3} = {3,-3}", 
                       rest, quotient, y, x);
    return quotient;
    // ensure  rest + quotient * y = x && rest < y && rest >= 0;   

  public static void Main(){
    Console.WriteLine("Div({0}, {1}) = {2}\n", 10, 2, Div(10, 2));
    Console.WriteLine("Div({0}, {1}) = {2}\n", 11, 2, Div(11, 2));
    Console.WriteLine("Div({0}, {1}) = {2}\n", 100, 25, Div(100, 25));


Program: Output of the instrumented division program.
10  + 0   * 2   = 10 
8   + 1   * 2   = 10 
6   + 2   * 2   = 10 
4   + 3   * 2   = 10 
2   + 4   * 2   = 10 
0   + 5   * 2   = 10 
Div(10, 2) = 5

11  + 0   * 2   = 11 
9   + 1   * 2   = 11 
7   + 2   * 2   = 11 
5   + 3   * 2   = 11 
3   + 4   * 2   = 11 
1   + 5   * 2   = 11 
Div(11, 2) = 5

100 + 0   * 25  = 100
75  + 1   * 25  = 100
50  + 2   * 25  = 100
25  + 3   * 25  = 100
0   + 4   * 25  = 100
Div(100, 25) = 4

Collected references
Contents Index
Abstract Datatypes - Specification of Earlier in these notes
Responsibility Earlier in these notes
A circular list with pre and postconditions Earlier in these notes
Geometric shapes Earlier in these notes
The abstract class Stack Earlier in these notes
Wikipedia about Design by Contract and programming languages Internet Resource


Chapter 13: Contracts and Assertions
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