The Note Context in the rightmost column is only shown in case an annotated program exists. - You can navigate to the annotated program via the annotated slide view (= 'the note context').
Basic operations on a Collection of characters. | prog.cs | Slide context | Text book context | Note context |
A class Animal. | animal.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A class AnimalFarm - a subclass of Collection<Animal> - testing protected members. | farm.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A sample client of AnimalFarm - revealing use of protected Collection<Animal> methods. | prog.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class Animal - Unchanged. | animal.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class AnimalFarm - a subclass of Collection<Animal>. | farm.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A sample client of AnimalFarm. | prog.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Basic operations on a List of characters. | prog.cs | Slide context | Text book context | Note context |
Struct Point - used as actual List type parameter. | Point.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Sample uses of List.Find. | prog.cs | Slide context | Text book context | Note context |
Four different activations of the List.Sort method. | prog.cs | Slide context | Text book context | Note context |
Sample uses of List.BinarySearch. | prog.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Searching for a non-existing Point. | prog-not-found.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Basic operations on a LinkedList of integers. | prog.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Basic operations on a LinkedList of integers - using LinkedListNodes. | prog.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
An animal program - firmly bound to Collections - a problematic choice. | prog-class.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A program based on ICollection<Animal> - with a Collection<Animal>. | prog-interfaces-1.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A program based on ICollection<Animal> - with a List<Animal>. | prog-interfaces-2.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A class Person. | person.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A class BankAccount. | bank-account.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A program working with Dictionary<Person,BankAccount>. | prog.cs | Slide context | Text book context | Note context |
A collection of up to three instance variables of type T - with an iterator. | simple.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A sample iteration of the three instance variable collection. | client.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The abstract class IntSequence - Revisited. | Sequence.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
An application of the integer sequences. | App.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Animalfarm - GetGroup with yield return. | farm.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A sample client of AnimalFarm. | prog.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A method formed by an iterator block. | iterator-block | Slide context | - | - |
Generated: Monday February 7, 2011, 12:21:18