The Note Context in the rightmost column is only shown in case an annotated program exists. - You can navigate to the annotated program via the annotated slide view (= 'the note context').
The class IntSet. | set.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A client of IntSet. | app.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class StringSet. | set.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A client of StringSet. | app.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class ObjectSet. | set.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A client of ObjectSet - working with sets of Die objects. | app.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A client of ObjectSet - working with set of different types. | app-misc.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class Set<T>. | set.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A client of Set<T> - working with sets of different types. | app-misc.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Illustrations of the various constraints on type parameters. | contraints-on-generic-types | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The generic class String<T>. | string.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Illustrating a number of String<int> objects. | app-1.cs | Slide context | Text book context | Note context |
Illustrating Strings of different types. | app-2.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Two generic classes C and D - what is the problem?. | class-struct.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Two generic classes C and D - with compiler errors. | class-struct-error.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Two generic classes C and D - with the necessary constraints. | class-struct-constraints.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Sets of check accounts and bank accounts. | app.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A partial reproduction of struct Nullable<T>. | nullable.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A reproduction of the non-generic interface IComparable. | IComparable-non-generic.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A reproduction of the generic interface IComparable<T>. | IComparable.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A class Die that implements IComparable. | die-random.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A class Die that implements IComparable<T>. | die-random.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A reproduction of the generic interface IEquatable<T>. | IEquatable.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A reproduction of the generic interface IEqualityComparer<T>. | IEqualityComparer.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Possible and impossible subclasses of Set classes. | inh.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
An equivalent program without automatic inference of the actual type parameters. | app-3.cs | Slide context | Text book context | Note context |
A generic bubble sort program. | sort-appl.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Generic reprogramming of the program that composes functions. | generic-function-composition.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
An example that involves other types than double. | generic-function-composition.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A reproduction of the generic Action and Function delegate types. | reproduction.cs | Slide context | - | - |
Generated: Monday February 7, 2011, 12:20:22