Primula homepage
The Primula system is a tool for probabilistic modelling of
relational structures. It is a Java-implementation of the language
of Relational Bayesian Networks . Primula is distributed under the GNU
general public license.
Primula 2.2 features:
: Parameter learning for complex models, including
nested and non-decomposable combination functions.
: Interpreter for
Markov Logic Networks, enabling
exact inference for small model instances of Markov Logic Networks.
- Exact inference methods via integration with SamIam
and ACE
- Approximate inference using importance sampling
More about Primula
User Manual
People involved:
Manfred Jaeger,
Mark Chavira,
Keith Cascio,
Jani Saijos,
Mads Thrane, Alberto García Collado
For many links to related work and systems, visit Kristian
Kersting's Probabilistic-logical
models repository
Manfred Jaeger
modified: Thu Jun 18, 2009