Formal Aspects of Security (Fall 2011)

Lecture Plan

01 03 OCT 9:30-14:00 0.2.12 Course intro.
Insider Attacks (Christian W. Probst, DTU)
DEADLINE for hand-in exercise: 28 October 2011.
02 10 OCT 12:30-16:30 0.2.12 Modelling Security-Critical Systems (Kim G. Larsen, AAU)
DEADLINE for hand-in exercise: 28 October 2011.
03 26 OCT 8:00-12:30 0.2.15 Language-Based Information Flow Security (Andrei Sabelfeld, Chalmers)
Links: [challenge]
DEADLINE for hand-in exercise: 25 November 2011.
04 11 NOV 9:30-15:30 0.2.12 Automated Tools for Finding (and Fixing) Security Vulnerabilities (Julia L. Lawall, INRIA)
DEADLINE for hand-in exercise: 16 December 2011.

Passing the course

You pass the course by (a) attending the course and (b) handing in solutions to three of the four exercises given by the course holder. You should send your solution(s) to the course manager (René Rydhof Hansen <rrh(at)>).

Deadlines for handing in solutions: