;;;; This is some introduction to a Scheme program. ;;;; .title SchemeDoc Demo Program ;;;; .author Kurt Nørmark ;;;; .affiliation Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark. ;;;; .scheme-source-linking true ;;;; .css-stylesheet argentina ;;;; .schemedoc-dependencies "ex1";;; Section one. ;;; This is section one. The two functions in this section are documented by quite ;;; a few SchemeDoc tags. ;;; .section-id first;; The function f adds to numbers ;; .pre-condition Both a and b are numbers ;; .parameter x The first number ;; .parameter y The second number ;; .example (add 1 2) ;; .reference "Context" "SchemeDoc" \ ;; "http://www.cs.auc.dk/~normark/schemedoc/" ;; .internal-references "next section" "second" ;; .internal-references "the other function" "subtract" ;; .misc Miscelaneous information ;; .post-condition The result is the sum of x and y ;; .returns Return the sum of x and y![]()
(define (add x y) (+ x y));; The function f subtracts to numbers ;; .pre-condition Both a and b are numbers ;; .parameter x The first number ;; .parameter y The second number ;; .example (subtract 7 5) ;; .reference "Context" "SchemeDoc" "http://www.cs.auc.dk/~normark/schemedoc/" ;; .internal-references "the other function" "add" ;; .post-condition The result is the difference between x and y ;; .returns Returns x - y![]()
(define (subtract x y) (- x y));;; Section two. ;;; This is the second section, only with a couple of functions. The comment of these functions are ;;; not documented with a lot of SchemeDoc tags. ;;; .section-id second;; Calculate the factorial of n![]()
(define (fac n) (if (= 0 n) 1 (* n (fac (- n 1)))));; A function that returns a number of factorial numbers.![]()
(define (sample-function) (map fac (list 5 10 15 20)))