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Example of the general class pattern
The Point class redefined to comply with the general class pattern
(define (point x y)
 (let ((x x) 
       (y y)
   (define (getx) x)

   (define (gety) y)

   (define (add p) 
     (+ x (send 'getx p))
     (+ y (send 'gety p))))

   (define (type-of) 'point)
   (define (self message)
     (cond ((eqv? message 'getx) getx)
           ((eqv? message 'gety) gety)
           ((eqv? message 'add)  add)
           ((eqv? message 'type-of) type-of)
	   (else (error "Undefined message" message))))
All necessary stuff to play with Point.
A sample construction and dialogue with point.