(define con list)
(define doctype-clause document-type-declaration)
(define (character-entity x)
(char-ref x))
(define copyright (character-entity "copy"))
(define (space n)
(make-list n (character-entity "nbsp")))
(define horizontal-space space)
(define (vertical-space n)
(if (= n 0) '()
(cons (space 1) (cons (p) (vertical-space (- n 1))))))
(define (html-protect str)
str #\& "&")
#\> ">")
#\< "<"))
(define (in-danish str)
(letrec ((in-danish-1
(lambda (str letter-numbers)
(cond ((null? letter-numbers) str)
(else (in-danish-1
(transliterate str (as-char (car letter-numbers)) (character-entity (car letter-numbers)))
(cdr letter-numbers)))))))
(let ((danish-letter-numbers (list 230 248 229 198 216 197)))
(in-danish-1 str danish-letter-numbers))))
(define (js-call function-name parameters)
(string-append function-name
(string-merge (map as-string parameters)
(make-list (- (length parameters) 1) ", "))
(define (js-string-array elements)
(string-append "["
(string-merge (map string-it-single (map as-string elements))
(make-list (- (length elements) 1) ","))
(define (a-tag url . optional-parameter-list)
(let ((anchor (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list url)))
(a anchor 'href (as-string url))))
(define (a-tag-target url anchor target)
'href (as-string url)
'target (as-string target)))
(define (a-name name)
(a ""
'name (as-string name)))
(define a-self-ref
(lambda (cont attr)
(a attr (defaulted-get-prop 'href attr "???")))))
(define (mail-link email-adr . optional-parameter-list)
(let* ((anchor-name (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list email-adr))
(subject (optional-parameter 2 optional-parameter-list ""))
(subject-contribution (if (empty-string? subject) "" (string-append "?" "subject" "=" subject)))
(a 'href (string-append "mailto:" email-adr subject-contribution) anchor-name)))
(define (h i x)
(cond ((= i 1) (h1 x))
((= i 2) (h2 x))
((= i 3) (h3 x))
((= i 4) (h4 x))
((= i 5) (h5 x))
((>= i 6) (h6 x))
(define (font-1 size color x)
(font x 'size (convert-size size) 'color (rgb-color-encoding color)))
(define (convert-size size)
(if (and (symbol? size) (eq? size 'normal)) "3" (as-string size)))
(define (font-size size x)
(font x 'size (convert-size size)))
(define (font-color color x)
(font x 'color (rgb-color-encoding color)))
(define (html-appender element)
(lambda (existing-stuff)
(con existing-stuff explicit-space element)))
(define (font-rise str base-size)
(font-size (+ base-size 1) (substring str 0 1)) explicit-space
(font-size base-size (substring str 1 (string-length str)))))
(define (br-list lst)
(map (lambda(el) (con el (br))) lst))
(define brl br-list)
(define (definition-list lst)
(map (lambda(el)
(let ((dt-data (car el))
(dd-data (if (= 1 (length el)) "" (cadr el))))
(con (dt dt-data)
(if (equal? dd "")
(dd dd-data)))))
(define (ul-tree tree)
(cond ((or (cdata? tree) (ast? tree)) (ul (li 'type "disc" tree)))
((pair? tree)
(li (car tree) 'type "disc"
(map ul-tree (cdr tree)))))))
(define lis
(lambda (cont attr)
(li cont attr 'css:margin-bottom "3mm"))))
(define (table-0 list-of-list . optional-parameter-list)
(let ((table-row
(lambda (lst) (tr
(map (lambda (cell)
(td cell))
(border (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list "1")))
(map table-row list-of-list)))
'border (as-string border))))
(define (table-1 border cell-width-list cell-color-list-1 list-of-list . optional-parameter-list)
(let ((va (as-string (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list "top"))))
(lambda (row)
(map (lambda (cell width color-1)
'width (as-string width) 'valign va 'bgcolor (rgb-color-encoding color-1)
row cell-width-list cell-color-list-1))
'border (as-string border))))
(define (table-2 border cell-width-list cell-color-list-1 header-list list-of-list)
(map (lambda (h)(th h)) header-list))
(lambda (row)
(map (lambda (cell width color-1)
'width (as-string width) 'valign "top" 'bgcolor (rgb-color-encoding color-1)
row cell-width-list cell-color-list-1)
'border (as-string border)))
(define (table-3 border cell-width-list list-of-list . optional-parameter-list)
(let ((va (as-string (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list "top"))))
(lambda (row)
(map (lambda (cell width)
'width (as-string width) 'valign va
row cell-width-list))
'border (as-string border))))
(define (table-4 border cell-width-list row-color-list list-of-list . optional-parameter-list)
(let ((va (as-string (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list "top"))))
(lambda (row row-color)
(map (lambda (cell width)
'width (as-string width) 'valign va 'bgcolor (rgb-color-encoding row-color)
row cell-width-list)))
list-of-list row-color-list
'border (as-string border))))
(define (table-5 border cell-width-list list-of-color-list list-of-list . optional-parameter-list)
(let ((va (as-string (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list "top"))))
(lambda (row row-color-list)
(map (lambda (cell width row-color)
'width (as-string width) 'valign va 'bgcolor (rgb-color-encoding row-color)
row cell-width-list row-color-list)
list-of-list list-of-color-list
'border (as-string border))))
(define (left-middle-right-banner left middle right . optional-parameter-list)
(let* ((distribution-percentages (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list '(33 34 33)))
(left-percent (string-append (as-string (first distribution-percentages)) "%"))
(middle-percent (string-append (as-string (second distribution-percentages)) "%"))
(right-percent (string-append (as-string (third distribution-percentages)) "%"))
(con (font-size 2 left))
'width left-percent 'align "left" 'valign "top")
(con (font-size 2 middle))
'width middle-percent 'align "center" 'valign "top")
(con (font-size 2 right))
'width right-percent 'align "right" 'valign "top")
'border "0px" 'cellpadding "0" 'cellspacing "0" 'width "100%")))
(define (left-right-banner left right . optional-parameter-list)
(let* ((distribution-percentages (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list '(50 50)))
(left-percent (string-append (as-string (first distribution-percentages)) "%"))
(right-percent (string-append (as-string (second distribution-percentages)) "%"))
(let ((font-size (lambda (x y) y)))
(con (font-size 2 left))
'width left-percent 'align "left" 'valign "top")
(con (font-size 2 right))
'width right-percent 'align "right" 'valign "top")
'border "0" 'cellpadding "0" 'cellspacing "0" 'width "100%"))))
(define (laml-top-banner)
(let ((yr (car (time-decode (current-time)))))
(span "Copyright" copyright (as-string yr) _ "," "Kurt Nørmark")
(laml-home-button 0 "laml-home.gif"))))
(define (mini-menu mini-menu-list dark-color)
(letrec ((mini-menu-entry (lambda (e)
(let ((text (car e))
(url (cadr e)))
(con (a (font-1 2 white text) 'href url 'css:text-decoration "none")
(lgt (length mini-menu-list)))
(make-list lgt 160)
(make-list lgt dark-color)
(list (map mini-menu-entry mini-menu-list)))))
(define (form-1 cgi-url x)
(form x 'method "post" 'action cgi-url))
(define (multipart-form cgi-url target-directory target-directory-url x)
(hidden-line "target-directory!!!" target-directory)
(hidden-line "target-directory-url!!!" target-directory-url)
'method "post" 'enctype "multipart/form-data" 'action cgi-url))
(define (checkbox name . checked)
(let ((checked1 (if (null? checked) #f (car checked))))
(if checked1
(input 'type "checkbox" 'checked "checked" 'value "true" 'name (as-string name))
(input 'type "checkbox" 'value "true" 'name (as-string name)))))
(define (radio-button value group-name . checked)
(let ((is-checked (and (not (null? checked)) (boolean? (car checked)) (car checked))))
(if is-checked
(input 'type "radio" 'checked "checked" 'value (as-string value) 'name (as-string group-name))
(input 'type "radio" 'value (as-string value) 'name (as-string group-name))
(define (text-line name size value)
(input 'type "text" 'name (as-string name) 'size (as-string size) 'value (as-string value)))
(define (hidden-line name value)
(input 'type "hidden" 'name (as-string name) 'value (as-string value)))
(define (file-upload name)
(input 'type "file" 'name (as-string name) 'size 60))
(define (password-line name size value)
(input 'type "password" 'name (as-string name) 'size (as-string size) 'value (as-string value)))
(define (submit value . optional-parameters)
(let ((name (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameters #f)))
(if name
(input 'type "submit" 'value (as-string value) 'name (as-string name))
(input 'type "submit" 'value (as-string value)))))
(define (reset value)
(input 'type "reset" 'value (as-string value)))
(define (select-1 name value-list contents-list . selected-value)
(let* ((selected (if (null? selected-value) "" (car selected-value)))
(body (map (lambda (value contents)
(if (equal? selected value)
(option (as-string contents) 'value (as-string value) 'selected "selected")
(option (as-string contents) 'value (as-string value))))
value-list contents-list))
(select body 'name (as-string name))))
(define (textarea-1 name rows cols contents)
(textarea (as-string contents) 'name (as-string name) 'rows (as-string rows) 'cols (as-string cols)))
(define (multi-column-list columns elements total-width)
(let* ((lgt (length elements))
(rem (remainder lgt columns))
(elements-2 (cond ((= lgt 0) (make-list columns " "))
((= 0 rem) elements)
(else (append elements (make-list (- columns rem) " ")))))
(rows (sublist-by-rows columns elements-2))
(column-width (quotient total-width columns))
(column-widths (make-list columns column-width)))
(table-3 0 column-widths rows)))
(define (two-column-list elements total-width)
(let* ((lgt (length elements))
(rem (remainder lgt 2))
(elements-2 (cond ((= lgt 0) (make-list 2 " "))
((= 0 rem) elements)
(else (append elements (make-list (- 2 rem) " ")))))
(rows (sublist-by-2columns elements " "))
(column-width (quotient total-width 2))
(column-widths (make-list 2 column-width)))
(table-3 0 column-widths rows)))
(define (n-column-list n elements total-width)
(let* ((lgt (length elements))
(rows (sublist-by-columns n elements " "))
(column-width (quotient total-width n))
(column-widths (make-list n column-width)))
(table-3 0 column-widths rows)))
(define kn-internet-image-path "http://www.cs.auc.dk/~normark/images/")
(define (image-file-path)
(cond ((eq? image-file-access 'local) "")
((eq? image-file-access 'parent) "../images/")
((eq? image-file-access 'sub-directory) "./images/")
((eq? image-file-access 'net) kn-internet-image-path)
((eq? image-file-access 'fixed) fixed-image-directory)
(define (set-image-file-path! mode)
(set! image-file-access mode))
(define (image-file file-name)
(string-append (image-file-path) file-name ))
(define (img-0 file-name . width)
(if (not (null? width))
(img 'alt "" 'src (as-string file-name) 'width (as-string (car width)) 'border "0")
(img 'alt "" 'src (as-string file-name) 'border "0")))
(define (img-with-border file-name . width)
(if (not (null? width))
(img 'src (as-string file-name) 'width (as-string (car width)))
(img 'src (as-string file-name))))
(define (laml-home-button extra-level text-or-image . start-dir)
(let* ((start-dir-1 (if (null? start-dir) (startup-directory) (car start-dir)))
(url-of-laml (laml-home-url-prefix extra-level start-dir-1))
(if (equal? url-of-laml laml-absolute-url-prefix)
"The LAML software home page at Aalborg University"
"The local LAML software home page"))
(cond ((eq? text-or-image 'text) "")
((eq? text-or-image 'image) "images/blue-house.gif")
((string? text-or-image) (string-append "images/" text-or-image))
(else "???")))
(cond ((eq? text-or-image 'text) "LAML home")
((or (eq? text-or-image 'image) (string? text-or-image))
(img 'src (string-append url-of-laml image-file) 'alt help-text 'border "0"))
(else "LAML home"))
'href (string-append url-of-laml "index.html")
'title help-text
'target "_top")))
(define embed
(free-single-element "embed"))
(define indent-pixels
(xml-in-laml-positional-abstraction 1 0
(lambda (p c a)
(div 'css:margin-left (string-append (as-string p) "px") a c))))
(define (narrow-with-pixels p text)
(table-3 0 (list p "*" p)
(list (list "" text ""))))
(define (frame-1 text)
(table-3 1 (list "*")
(list (list text))))
(define (box text . optional-parameter-list)
(let ((width (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list "*")))
(table-3 0 (list width)
(list (list text)))))
(define (narrow separator-fn width . contents-list)
(let ((separator-list (make-list (- (length contents-list) 1) (separator-fn))))
(table-3 0 (list width)
(list (merge-lists-simple contents-list separator-list))))))
(define (color-frame text color)
(table-1 0 (list "*") (make-list 1 color)
(list (list text)) "bottom"))
(define (color-frame-width text color width)
(table-1 0 (list width) (make-list 1 color)
(list (list text)) "bottom"))
(define (frame-width text width)
(table-3 1 (list width)
(list (list text))))
(define (center-frame indentation text)
(narrow-with-pixels indentation
(frame-1 text))))
(define (alphabetic-link-array)
(lambda (letter) (con (a-tag (string-append "#" letter) (capitalize-string-nd letter)) (horizontal-space 1)))
(list "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o"
"p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z" "æ" "ø" "å")))
(define (alphabetic-link-array-1 target-file-prefix alphabet . emphasis-letter)
(let* ((em-let (if (not (null? emphasis-letter)) (as-string (car emphasis-letter)) #f))
(alphabet-1 (map as-string alphabet)))
(lambda (letter)
(a-tag (string-append target-file-prefix "-" letter ".html")
(if (and em-let (equal? em-let letter))
(font-1 4 red (b (capitalize-string-nd letter)))
(capitalize-string-nd letter)))
" "
(define (colorize-substrings str region-color-list)
(set! last-coloring-length 0)
(if (null? region-color-list)
(let* ((region-color (car region-color-list))
(from-str (car region-color))
(to-str (cadr region-color))
(color (caddr region-color))
(face (if (>= (length region-color) 4) (cadddr region-color) 'bold))
(multiplicity (if (>= (length region-color) 5) (fifth region-color) 1))
(font-substring str 0 from-str to-str color face multiplicity)
(cdr region-color-list)))))
(define (face-start-tag face-symbol)
(cond ((eq? face-symbol 'italic) (start-tag 'i) )
((eq? face-symbol 'bold) (start-tag 'b))
((eq? face-symbol 'typerwriter) (start-tag 'kbd))
((eq? face-symbol 'underlined) (start-tag 'u))
((eq? face-symbol 'plain) "")
(else (error "face start tag: Unknown face symbol"))
(define (face-end-tag face-symbol)
(cond ((eq? face-symbol 'italic) (end-tag 'i))
((eq? face-symbol 'bold) (end-tag 'b))
((eq? face-symbol 'typerwriter) (end-tag 'kbd))
((eq? face-symbol 'underlined) (end-tag 'u))
((eq? face-symbol 'plain) "")
(else (error "face end tag: Unknown face symbol"))
(define last-coloring-length 0)
(define (repeat-colorizing str start-index from-str to-str color face n)
(if (> n 0)
(font-substring str start-index from-str to-str color face n)
(define (font-substring str start-index from-delimiting-string to-delimiting-string color face multiplicity)
(let ((from-index (substring-index str start-index from-delimiting-string)))
(if from-index
(let ((to-index (substring-index str
(+ from-index (string-length from-delimiting-string))
(if to-index
(font-substring-by-index str from-index (+ to-index (string-length to-delimiting-string)) color face)
(+ to-index last-coloring-length) from-delimiting-string to-delimiting-string color face (- multiplicity 1))
(error (string-append "Substring fonting/colorizing: Cannot find the to delimiting strings: "
to-delimiting-string " in " (initial-prefix-of-string str 40) ))))
(error (string-append "Substring fonting/colorizing: Cannot find the from delimiting strings: "
from-delimiting-string " in " (initial-prefix-of-string str 40))))))
(define (initial-prefix-of-string str n)
(let ((lgt (string-length str)))
(if (> lgt n)
(substring str 0 n)
(define (font-substring-by-index str from-index to-index color face)
(let* ((pre (string-append (face-start-tag face) (start-tag 'font 'color (rgb-color-encoding color))))
(post (string-append (end-tag 'font) (face-end-tag face)))
(set! last-coloring-length (+ (string-length pre) (string-length post)))
str from-index pre to-index post)))
(define (copyright-owner x) (span x " " copyright))
(define when-modified
(lambda (c a)
(let ((when-updated (defaulted-get-prop 'updated-as-of a #f))
(when-created (defaulted-get-prop 'new-as-of a #f)))
(cond (when-updated
(let* ((updated-date-list (year-month-day-decode-string when-updated))
(updated-time (time-encode (first updated-date-list) (second updated-date-list) (third updated-date-list) 0 0 0))
(dt (date-time updated-time)))
(string-append "Last modified: " (weekday updated-time) ", " (car dt))))
(let* ((created-date-list (year-month-day-decode-string when-created))
(created-time (time-encode (first created-date-list) (second created-date-list) (third created-date-list) 0 0 0))
(dt (date-time created-time)))
(string-append "Page created: " (weekday created-time) ", " (car dt))))
(else ""))))))