a-name | (a-name name) | Name the current place by means of an a tag with name attribute |
a-tag | (a-tag url . anchor) | Return an a tag constructructed from the URL and the anchor. |
a-tag-target | (a-tag-target url anchor target) | A variant of a tag which supports a target attribute of the a-tag (where in browser to show the result). |
alphabetic-link-array | (alphabetic-link-array) | Support of generation of alphabetic indexes. |
alphabetic-link-array-1 | (alphabetic-link-array-1 target-file-prefix alphabet . emphasis-letter) | Return an 'array' of letter links to (string-append target-file-prefix "-" letter ".html") for all letters in alphabet. |
b | (b x) | Present x in a b tag (bold) |
bl | (bl lst) | A large, red bulleted list |
blockquote | blockquote | Present x in a blockquote tag |
box | (box text) | Embed text in an invisible table with one cell |
br | (br) | Return a br tag (break) |
br-list | (br-list lst) | Return a flat list, separate by breaks |
brl | brl | A convenient alias for br-list |
bullet-list | (bullet-list lst bullet-size bullet-color) | Render lst as a bulleted list. |
center | (center x) | Present x in a center tag |
center-frame | (center-frame indentation text) | Embed text into a centered frame |
character-entity | (character-entity x) | If x is a number return a numbered character entity. |
checkbox | (checkbox name . checked) | Return an input tag of type checkbox. |
cite | (cite x) | Present x in a blockquote tag |
color-frame | (color-frame text color) | Embed text into a color frame. |
color-frame-width | (color-frame-width text color width) | As color-frame, but this function supports and extra widht parameter. |
colorize-substrings | (colorize-substrings str region-color-list) | This is a more advanced function which make font changes to substrings of str. |
con | (con . string-list) | Concatenete a number of strings. |
con-par | (con-par . string-list) | Like con, but ensure that there are paragraphs marks in between the concatenated strings. |
con-space | (con-space . string-list) | Like con, but ensure that there are white space in between the concatenated strings. |
copyright-owner | (copyright-owner x) | Embed x into a copyright indication |
definition-list | (definition-list lst) | Make a definition list. |
dl | dl | A convenient alias for definition-list |
document-type-declaration | (document-type-declaration) | Return a document type declaration of this mirror. |
em | (em x) | Present x in a em tag (emphasize) |
file-upload | (file-upload name . optional-parameters) | Return an input tag of type file. |
font | (font size color x) | Returns a font tag. |
font-color | (font-color color x) | Like font, but only supports color. |
font-rise | (font-rise str base-size) | Return a html fonted version of str. |
font-size | (font-size size x) | Like font, but only supports size. |
form | (form cgi-url x) | Embed x in to form, which activates cgi-url upon form completion. |
frame | (frame text) | Shown text in a simple frame |
frame-width | (frame-width text width) | Like frame, but with an extra width parameter. |
h | (h i x) | Returns h tags, h1 if i=1, h2 if i=2, etc. |
hidden-line | (hidden-line name value) | Return an input tag of type hidden. |
horizontal-space | horizontal-space | Return n space special characters |
hr | (hr . size) | Return a horizontal rule, a hr tag. |
html-appender | (html-appender element) | Generate a function which appends element |
html-comment | (html-comment comment) | Return an HTML comment form. |
html-protect | (html-protect str) | Transliterate angle brackets in str to the particular html character entities. |
i | (i x) | Present x in a i tag |
image-file | (image-file file-name) | Return the full path/address f image file named file-name. |
image-file-path | (image-file-path) | Determination of the actual file path to images in html files. |
img | (img file-name . width) | Return an img tag, in which a file on file-name is presented. |
img-with-border | (img-with-border file-name . width) | A variant of img which presents an image with a border |
indent-pixels | (indent-pixels p text) | Indent text with p pixels |
js-call | (js-call function-name parameters) | Return a Javascript calling form, given function function-name and parameters. |
js-string-array | (js-string-array elements) | Return a manifest javascript array given its elements |
kbd | (kbd x) | Present x in a kbd tag |
kn-internet-image-path | kn-internet-image-path | The URL where the author of this library keeps a number of images (icons). |
laml-home-button | (laml-home-button extra-level text-or-image . start-dir) | Return an HTML a tag (anchor) which links to the LAML software home page via an small gif icon. |
laml-standard-comment | (laml-standard-comment) | Return the standard LAML comment, to be inserted at the top of every LAML generated page. |
laml-top-banner | (laml-top-banner) | Return the standard LAML top banner with time of generation, copyright, and home icon |
left-middle-right-banner | (left-middle-right-banner left middle right) | Return a banner with left, middle, and right justified contributions. |
left-right-banner | (left-right-banner left right) | Return a banner with left and right justified contributions. |
mail-link | (mail-link email-adr . anchor-name) | Return a mail link by means of the mailto facility in an a tag. |
mini-menu | (mini-menu mini-menu-list dark-color) | Makes a horizontal menu menu in terms of a table with links. |
multi-column-list | (multi-column-list columns elements total-width) | Return a multi-column list, row major, with columns columns. |
multipart-form | (multipart-form cgi-url target-directory target-directory-url x) | Embed x into a multipart form. |
n-column-list | (n-column-list n elements total-width) | Return an n column list, column-major, of the element list (second parameter). |
narrow | (narrow separator-fn width . contents-list) | Present the contents-list, which is a list of elements, in a narrow column of width, separated with activations of separator-fn. |
narrow-with-pixels | (narrow-with-pixels p text) | Show text in a column, narrowed from both left and right with p pixels |
ol | ol | A convenient alias for ordered-list |
ordered-list | (ordered-list lst) | Return an ol (ordered list) tag. |
p | (p . x) | Present a p tag (paragraph). |
page | (page title body . color-list) | Return a simple HTML page with html, head and title tags. |
password-line | (password-line name size value) | Return an input tag of type password. |
post-page | (post-page) | The part of a HTML page after the body. |
pre | (pre x) | Present x in a pre tag |
pre-page | (pre-page title . color-list) | The part of a HTML page before the body. |
radio-button | (radio-button value group-name . checked) | Return an input tag of type radio. |
reset | (reset value) | Return an input tag of type reset. |
select | (select name value-list contents-list . selected-value) | Return a select tag, defining a multiple choice menu. |
set-image-file-path! | (set-image-file-path! mode) | Set the image-file-access variable. |
space | (space n) | Return n space special characters (horizontal space) |
strong | (strong x) | Present x in a strong tag |
submit | (submit value [name]) | Return an input tag of type submit. |
table | (table list-of-list . border) | Return a table with elements from list-of-list. |
table-1 | (table-1 border cell-width-list cell-color-list-1 list-of-list . valign) | A more versatile variant of table. |
table-2 | (table-2 border cell-width-list cell-color-list-1 header-list list-of-list) | A variant of table and table-1 which supports a header row |
table-3 | (table-3 border cell-width-list list-of-list . valign) | A variant of table-1, but without a column color list. |
table-4 | (table-4 border cell-width-list row-color-list list-of-list . valign) | A variant of table-1 with a row color list instead of a column color list. |
text-line | (text-line name size value) | Return an input tag of type text. |
textarea | (textarea name rows cols contents) | Return a textarea form. |
tracing-comment | (tracing-comment) | The result of this function is inserted as an HTML comment on each html page generated. |
two-column-list | (two-column-list elements total-width) | Return a two column list, column major. |
u | (u x) | Present x in a u tag (underline) |
ul | ul | A convenient alias for unordered-list |
ul-tree | (ul-tree tree) | Show tree as an indented, bulleted list. |
unordered-list | (unordered-list lst) | Return an ul (uordered list) tag. |
vertical-space | (vertical-space n) | Return n vertical spaces, i.e., n p tags |
write-html-page | (write-html-page file header body) | Write a HTML page consisting of header and body to file. |