Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:10:13Copyright ©2011, Kurt NørmarkThe local LAML software home page

Reference Manual of the validating LAML surface mirror of the HTML4.01 transitional elements

Kurt Nørmark ©    Department of Computer Science    Aalborg University    Denmark    

Source file: lib/html4.01-transitional-validating/surface.scm
LAML Version 38.0 (November 14, 2011, full)

This is an accurate mirror of HTML 4.01 (transitional) which can perform full HTML validation on the fly, while generating the HTML output. The HTML output is an instance of an abstract syntax tree, which must be transformed to a string by means of the function render.

A surface form has a very flexible syntactic composition. Use the surface forms when you write an HTML document in LAML syntax. Each function in this file mirrors and generates an HTML element instance. The general form of a surface mirror function is

   (tag 'a1 "v1" 'a2 "v2" ... 'am "vm" contents-1 contents-2 ... contents-n). 
where, in the most common case, contents-1, contents-2 through contents-n are content constituents, such as strings or other HTML element instances. From LAML version 16.2 contents-i (i from 1 to n) can also be proper lists. The attribute names must be symbols, and the attribute values have to be strings.

The expression from above corresponds to the HTML tag

   <tag a1 "v1" a2 "v2" ... am "vm"> contents-1 contents-2 ... contents-n </tag>
In the Scheme form it is even possible to have attributes between and after the textual content. Attributes prefixed with 'css:' are CSS style attributes.

As mentioned, the mirror functions accept lists nested to an arbitrary level. Such lists are processed recursively (from LAML version 17.0). It means that you can pass lists of content constituents, or even lists with attribute names and values to the mirror functions.

Unless stated otherwise there will be a space character between contents constituents such as in between contents-1 and contents-2. A boolean value false in between the contents elements suppresses white space in between them. This is in particular useful before punctuation characters. For convenience, we have bound the value #f to the variable '_'.

If the boolean variable check-html-attributes? is true the functions check the attributes of the tag against the attribute definitions in the document type definition. If the boolean variable validate-html? is true the mirror functions perform a full HTML validity check. If the variable transliterate-character-data? is true, all character data are transformed via the the HTML character transformation table. These three variables are defined in the configuration part of the basic library. Here you will also find definitions that control the handling of errors.

The HTML mirror functions emit abstract syntax trees, and not HTML code represented as strings. You should apply the function render to get a HTML string. The function write-html from the laml.scm file is helpful when rendering, linearizing, writing and even pretty printing an AST to a text file. Notice that pretty printing may be quite expensive compared with the linearization as such.

This library requries the general library and the accompanying basic form library.

Notice that the Scheme function map and the HTML element map give a name collision. We prefix the HTML element with 'html:' when applied as a HTML mirror function in LAML.

This library provides links to the W3 document which defines the HTML tags. The underlying WWW pages are supplied as part of the LAML software bundle.

From LAML version 20 we strongly recommend that you use an XHTML mirror (strict, frameset, or transitional) instead of HTML4.01.

Table of Contents:
1. AST functions.2. Other useful functions.3. The HTML surface mirror functions

Alphabetic index:
__The symbolic name of explicit white space suppress
a(a . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) A double tag element (anchor ).
abbr(abbr . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) ABBR double tag element (no explanation available).
acronym(acronym . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) ACRONYM double tag element (no explanation available).
address(address . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) ADDRESS double tag element (information on author ).
applet(applet . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) APPLET double tag element (Java applet ).
area(area . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) AREA single tag element (client-side image map area ).
ast-attributes(ast-attributes ast)Return the list of attributes of ast, on property list format.
ast-element-name(ast-element-name ast)Return the root element name of ast.
ast-kind(ast-kind ast)Return the kind of the ast.
ast-subtrees(ast-subtrees ast)Return the list of substrees of ast.
ast-to-parse-tree(ast-to-parse-tree ast)Convert an abtract syntax tree to a parse tree.
ast?(ast? x)Is the parameter x an AST
b(b . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) B double tag element (no explanation available).
base(base . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BASE single tag element (document base URI ).
basefont(basefont . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BASEFONT single tag element (base font size ).
bdo(bdo . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BDO double tag element (I18N BiDi over-ride ).
big(big . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BIG double tag element (no explanation available).
blockquote(blockquote . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BLOCKQUOTE double tag element (long quotation ).
body(body . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BODY tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (document body ).
br(br . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BR single tag element (forced line break ).
button(button . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BUTTON double tag element (push button ).
caption(caption . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) CAPTION double tag element (table caption ).
cdata?(cdata? x)Is the parameter x CDATA
center(center . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) CENTER double tag element (shorthand for DIV align=center ).
check-ast-constituents?check-ast-constituents?A boolean variable that controls whether or not we check the internal soundness of ASTs.
cite(cite . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) CITE double tag element (no explanation available).
code(code . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) CODE double tag element (no explanation available).
col(col . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) COL single tag element (table column ).
colgroup(colgroup . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) COLGROUP tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table column group ).
concatenate(concatenate . parameters)A non-HTML tag which concatenates parameters of a form to a single string.
dd(dd . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DD tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (definition description ).
del(del . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DEL double tag element (inserted text, deleted text ).
dfn(dfn . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DFN double tag element (no explanation available).
dir(dir . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DIR double tag element (directory list, menu list ).
div(div . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DIV double tag element (generic language/style container ).
dl(dl . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DL double tag element (definition list ).
dt(dt . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DT tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (definition term ).
em(em . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) EM double tag element (no explanation available).
fieldset(fieldset . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) FIELDSET double tag element (form control group ).
font(font . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) FONT double tag element (local change to font ).
forced-white-space?(forced-white-space? x)Is the parameter x a white space mark.
form(form . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) FORM double tag element (interactive form ).
frame(frame . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) FRAME single tag element (subwindow ).
frameset(frameset . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) FRAMESET double tag element (window subdivision).
free-html-element(free-html-element tag-name . parameters)Generate a HTML tag application for tag-name with attributes and contents given by parameters.
free-html-element-1(free-html-element-1 tag-name parameters)Generate a HTML tag application for tag-name with attributes and contents given by parameters.
h1(h1 . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H1 double tag element (heading ).
h2(h2 . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H2 double tag element (heading ).
h3(h3 . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H3 double tag element (heading ).
h4(h4 . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H4 double tag element (heading ).
h5(h5 . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H5 double tag element (heading ).
h6(h6 . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H6 double tag element (heading ).
head(head . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) HEAD tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (document head ).
hr(hr . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) HR single tag element (horizontal rule ).
html(html . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) HTML tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (document root element ).
html:map(html:map . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) HTML:MAP double tag element (client-side image map ).
i(i . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) I double tag element (no explanation available).
iframe(iframe . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) IFRAME double tag element (inline subwindow ).
img(img . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) IMG single tag element (Embedded image ).
input(input . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) INPUT single tag element (form control ).
ins(ins . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) INS double tag element (inserted text, deleted text ).
isindex(isindex . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) ISINDEX single tag element (single line prompt ).
kbd(kbd . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) KBD double tag element (no explanation available).
label(label . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) LABEL double tag element (form field label text ).
legend(legend . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) LEGEND double tag element (fieldset legend ).
li(li . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) LI tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (list item ).
link(link . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) LINK single tag element (a media-independent link ).
make-ast(make-ast element-name contents attributes kind)Make an AST given element-name, contents, and a property list of attributes.
menu(menu . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) MENU double tag element (directory list, menu list ).
meta(meta . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) META single tag element (generic metainformation ).
modify-element(modify-element element . attributes-and-contents)Define partial attributes and element contents of element and return a new element function with the attributes and contents partially fixed.
noframes(noframes . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) NOFRAMES double tag element (alternate content container for non frame-based rendering ).
noscript(noscript . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) NOSCRIPT double tag element (alternate content container for non script-based rendering ).
object(object . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) OBJECT double tag element (generic embedded object ).
ol(ol . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) OL double tag element (ordered list ).
optgroup(optgroup . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) OPTGROUP double tag element (option group ).
option(option . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) OPTION tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (selectable choice ).
p(p . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) P tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (paragraph ).
param(param . attributes)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) PARAM single tag element (named property value ).
pre(pre . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) PRE double tag element (preformatted text ).
q(q . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) Q double tag element (short inline quotation ).
s(s . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) S double tag element (no explanation available).
samp(samp . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SAMP double tag element (no explanation available).
script(script . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SCRIPT double tag element (script statements ).
select(select . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SELECT double tag element (option selector ).
small(small . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SMALL double tag element (no explanation available).
span(span . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SPAN double tag element (generic language/style container ).
strike(strike . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) STRIKE double tag element (no explanation available).
strong(strong . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) STRONG double tag element (no explanation available).
style(style . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) STYLE double tag element (style info ).
sub(sub . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SUB double tag element (subscript, superscript ).
sup(sup . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SUP double tag element (subscript, superscript ).
table(table . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TABLE double tag element (no explanation available).
tbody(tbody . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TBODY tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table body ).
td(td . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TD tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table header cell, table data cell).
textarea(textarea . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TEXTAREA double tag element (multi-line text field ).
tfoot(tfoot . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TFOOT tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table footer ).
th(th . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TH tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table header cell, table data cell).
thead(thead . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) THEAD tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table header ).
title(title . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TITLE double tag element (document title ).
tr(tr . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TR tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table row ).
tt(tt . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TT double tag element (no explanation available).
u(u . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) U double tag element (no explanation available).
ul(ul . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) UL double tag element (unordered list ).
var(var . attributes-and-contents)The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) VAR double tag element (no explanation available).



The symbolic name of explicit white space suppress


In this section we document the functions that work on abstract syntax trees. All the HTML mirror functions return abstract syntax trees, which need to be transformed to text before they can be presented. The function render performs this transformation.



A boolean variable that controls whether or not we check the internal soundness of ASTs. If the basic mirror is used directly, it makes good sense to set this variable to #t. Else we recommend a #f value.


(make-ast element-name contents attributes kind)

Make an AST given element-name, contents, and a property list of attributes. Kind is either the symbol double or single. The parameter contents may be a list of subtrees. It may also be or an element which satisfies either ast?, cdata? or forced-white-space?. In these cases, we embed the single element into a list.


(ast? x)

Is the parameter x an AST


(cdata? x)

Is the parameter x CDATA


(forced-white-space? x)

Is the parameter x a white space mark.


(ast-element-name ast)

Return the root element name of ast.

ast is an abstract syntax tree that satisfies the ast? predicate


(ast-subtrees ast)

Return the list of substrees of ast.

ast is an abstract syntax tree that satisfies the ast? predicate


(ast-attributes ast)

Return the list of attributes of ast, on property list format.

ast is an abstract syntax tree that satisfies the ast? predicate


(ast-kind ast)

Return the kind of the ast. It is either the symbol single or double. Tells whether the ast is to be rendered as a single or double tag in HTML.

ast is an abstract syntax tree that satisfies the ast? predicate


In this section there are non-mirror functions which are useful in surface HTML forms.


(concatenate . parameters)

A non-HTML tag which concatenates parameters of a form to a single string. There may be boolean values among the parameters. A boolean false after a textual contents string suppresses white space after the contents string. Warn if there are attributes among the parameters. Possible attributes are just skipped.


(free-html-element tag-name . parameters)

Generate a HTML tag application for tag-name with attributes and contents given by parameters. The parameters obey the syntax of a the LAML surface forms. This function is useful for generation of non-standard tag applications.


(free-html-element-1 tag-name parameters)

Generate a HTML tag application for tag-name with attributes and contents given by parameters. This function corresponds exactly to free-html-element; however, this function takes exactly two parameters whereas free-html-element takes one or more parameters.


(modify-element element . attributes-and-contents)

Define partial attributes and element contents of element and return a new element function with the attributes and contents partially fixed. attributes-and-contents is of the same form as the parameters to a LAML surface mirror functions. In fact, attributes-and-contents are just appended to the actual parameters to the modified.

an attribute-modified mirror function


(ast-to-parse-tree ast)

Convert an abtract syntax tree to a parse tree. Abstract syntax trees are produced by the validating mirror functions. Parse trees are used as an internal format in the HTML and the XML pretty printing procedures. You can use the function pretty-print-html-parse-tree on the parse tree returned by ast-to-parse-tree.

The LAML tool html-support or xml-support (for parsing and pretty printing) must be loaded for this function to work.




(html . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) HTML tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (document root element ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:html
HTML documentationHTML

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: lang, dir, version.

Content model: (head, body)


(noscript . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) NOSCRIPT double tag element (alternate content container for non script-based rendering ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:noscript
HTML documentationNOSCRIPT

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(script . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SCRIPT double tag element (script statements ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:script
HTML documentationSCRIPT

Required attributes: type.

Optional attributes: charset, language, src, defer, event, for.

Content model: cdata


(style . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) STYLE double tag element (style info ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:style
HTML documentationSTYLE

Required attributes: type.

Optional attributes: lang, dir, media, title.

Content model: cdata


(meta . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) META single tag element (generic metainformation ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:meta
HTML documentationMETA

Required attributes: content.

Optional attributes: lang, dir, http-equiv, name, scheme.


(base . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BASE single tag element (document base URI ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:base
HTML documentationBASE

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: href, target.


(isindex . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) ISINDEX single tag element (single line prompt ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:isindex
HTML documentationISINDEX

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, prompt.


(title . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TITLE double tag element (document title ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:title
HTML documentationTITLE

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: lang, dir.

Content model: (#pcdata) -(script|style|meta|link|object)


(head . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) HEAD tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (document head ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:head
HTML documentationHEAD

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: lang, dir, profile.

Content model: (title & isindex? & base?) +(script|style|meta|link|object)


(noframes . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) NOFRAMES double tag element (alternate content container for non frame-based rendering ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:noframes
HTML documentationNOFRAMES

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(iframe . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) IFRAME double tag element (inline subwindow ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:iframe
HTML documentationIFRAME

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, longdesc, name, src, frameborder, marginwidth, marginheight, scrolling, align, height, width.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(frame . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) FRAME single tag element (subwindow ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:frame
HTML documentationFRAME

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, longdesc, name, src, frameborder, marginwidth, marginheight, noresize, scrolling.


(frameset . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) FRAMESET double tag element (window subdivision).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:frameset
HTML documentationFRAMESET

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, rows, cols, onload, onunload.

Content model: ((frameset|frame)+ & noframes?)


(th . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TH tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table header cell, table data cell).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:th
HTML documentationTH

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, abbr, axis, headers, scope, rowspan, colspan, align, char, charoff, valign, nowrap, bgcolor, width, height.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(td . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TD tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table header cell, table data cell).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:td
HTML documentationTD

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, abbr, axis, headers, scope, rowspan, colspan, align, char, charoff, valign, nowrap, bgcolor, width, height.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(tr . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TR tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table row ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:tr
HTML documentationTR

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align, char, charoff, valign, bgcolor.

Content model: (th | td)+


(col . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) COL single tag element (table column ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:col
HTML documentationCOL

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, span, width, align, char, charoff, valign.


(colgroup . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) COLGROUP tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table column group ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:colgroup
HTML documentationCOLGROUP

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, span, width, align, char, charoff, valign.

Content model: (col)*


(tbody . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TBODY tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table body ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:tbody
HTML documentationTBODY

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align, char, charoff, valign.

Content model: (tr)+


(tfoot . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TFOOT tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table footer ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:tfoot
HTML documentationTFOOT

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align, char, charoff, valign.

Content model: (tr)+


(thead . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) THEAD tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (table header ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:thead
HTML documentationTHEAD

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align, char, charoff, valign.

Content model: (tr)+


(caption . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) CAPTION double tag element (table caption ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:caption
HTML documentationCAPTION

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(table . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TABLE double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:table
HTML documentationTABLE

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, summary, width, border, frame, rules, cellspacing, cellpadding, align, bgcolor, datapagesize.

Content model: (caption?, (col*|colgroup*), thead?, tfoot?, tbody+)


(button . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BUTTON double tag element (push button ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:button
HTML documentationBUTTON

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, name, value, type, disabled, tabindex, accesskey, onfocus, onblur.

Content model: (p | h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)* -(a|input | select | textarea | label | button|form|isindex|fieldset|iframe)


(legend . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) LEGEND double tag element (fieldset legend ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:legend
HTML documentationLEGEND

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, accesskey, align.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(fieldset . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) FIELDSET double tag element (form control group ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:fieldset
HTML documentationFIELDSET

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata,legend,(p | h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*)


(textarea . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TEXTAREA double tag element (multi-line text field ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:textarea
HTML documentationTEXTAREA

Required attributes: rows, cols.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, name, disabled, readonly, tabindex, accesskey, onfocus, onblur, onselect, onchange.

Content model: (#pcdata)


(option . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) OPTION tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (selectable choice ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:option
HTML documentationOPTION

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, selected, disabled, label, value.

Content model: (#pcdata)


(optgroup . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) OPTGROUP double tag element (option group ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:optgroup
HTML documentationOPTGROUP

Required attributes: label.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, disabled.

Content model: (option)+


(select . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SELECT double tag element (option selector ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:select
HTML documentationSELECT

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, name, size, multiple, disabled, tabindex, onfocus, onblur, onchange.

Content model: (optgroup | option)+


(input . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) INPUT single tag element (form control ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:input
HTML documentationINPUT

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, type, name, value, checked, disabled, readonly, size, maxlength, src, alt, usemap, ismap, tabindex, accesskey, onfocus, onblur, onselect, onchange, accept, align.


(label . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) LABEL double tag element (form field label text ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:label
HTML documentationLABEL

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, for, accesskey, onfocus, onblur.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)* -(label)


(form . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) FORM double tag element (interactive form ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:form
HTML documentationFORM

Required attributes: action.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, method, enctype, accept, name, onsubmit, onreset, target, accept-charset.

Content model: (p | h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)* -(form)


(li . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) LI tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (list item ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:li
HTML documentationLI

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, type, value.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(dir . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DIR double tag element (directory list, menu list ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:dir
HTML documentationDIR

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, compact.

Content model: (li)+ -(p | h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address)


(menu . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) MENU double tag element (directory list, menu list ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:menu
HTML documentationMENU

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, compact.

Content model: (li)+ -(p | h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address)


(ul . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) UL double tag element (unordered list ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:ul
HTML documentationUL

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, type, compact.

Content model: (li)+


(ol . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) OL double tag element (ordered list ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:ol
HTML documentationOL

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, type, compact, start.

Content model: (li)+


(dd . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DD tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (definition description ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:dd
HTML documentationDD

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(dt . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DT tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (definition term ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:dt
HTML documentationDT

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(dl . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DL double tag element (definition list ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:dl
HTML documentationDL

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, compact.

Content model: (dt | dd)+


(ins . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) INS double tag element (inserted text, deleted text ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:ins
HTML documentationINS

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, cite, datetime.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(del . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DEL double tag element (inserted text, deleted text ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:del
HTML documentationDEL

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, cite, datetime.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(blockquote . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BLOCKQUOTE double tag element (long quotation ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:blockquote
HTML documentationBLOCKQUOTE

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, cite.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(q . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) Q double tag element (short inline quotation ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:q
HTML documentationQ

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, cite.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(pre . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) PRE double tag element (preformatted text ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:pre
HTML documentationPRE

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, width.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)* -(img|object|applet|big|small|sub|sup|font|basefont)


(h1 . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H1 double tag element (heading ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:h1
HTML documentationH1

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(h2 . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H2 double tag element (heading ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:h2
HTML documentationH2

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(h3 . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H3 double tag element (heading ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:h3
HTML documentationH3

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(h4 . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H4 double tag element (heading ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:h4
HTML documentationH4

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(h5 . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H5 double tag element (heading ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:h5
HTML documentationH5

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(h6 . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) H6 double tag element (heading ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:h6
HTML documentationH6

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(p . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) P tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (paragraph ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:p
HTML documentationP

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(hr . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) HR single tag element (horizontal rule ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:hr
HTML documentationHR

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align, noshade, size, width.


(applet . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) APPLET double tag element (Java applet ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:applet
HTML documentationAPPLET

Required attributes: width, height.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, codebase, archive, code, object, alt, name, align, hspace, vspace.

Content model: (param | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(param . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) PARAM single tag element (named property value ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:param
HTML documentationPARAM

Required attributes: name.

Optional attributes: id, value, valuetype, type.


(object . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) OBJECT double tag element (generic embedded object ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:object
HTML documentationOBJECT

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, declare, classid, codebase, data, type, codetype, archive, standby, height, width, usemap, name, tabindex, align, border, hspace, vspace.

Content model: (param | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(img . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) IMG single tag element (Embedded image ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:img
HTML documentationIMG

Required attributes: src, alt.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, longdesc, name, height, width, usemap, ismap, align, border, hspace, vspace.


(link . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) LINK single tag element (a media-independent link ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:link
HTML documentationLINK

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, charset, href, hreflang, type, rel, rev, media, target.


(area . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) AREA single tag element (client-side image map area ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:area
HTML documentationAREA

Required attributes: alt.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, shape, coords, href, target, nohref, tabindex, accesskey, onfocus, onblur.


(html:map . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) HTML:MAP double tag element (client-side image map ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:map
HTML documentationHTML:MAP

Required attributes: name.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: ((p | h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address) | area)+


(a . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) A double tag element (anchor ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:a
HTML documentationA

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, charset, type, name, href, hreflang, target, rel, rev, accesskey, shape, coords, tabindex, onfocus, onblur.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)* -(a)


(center . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) CENTER double tag element (shorthand for DIV align=center ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:center
HTML documentationCENTER

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(div . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DIV double tag element (generic language/style container ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:div
HTML documentationDIV

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, align.

Content model: (p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(address . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) ADDRESS double tag element (information on author ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:address
HTML documentationADDRESS

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: ((#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)|p)*


(body . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BODY tag element which can be applied without contents (corresponding to start tag only) (document body ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:body
HTML documentationBODY

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup, onload, onunload, background, bgcolor, text, link, vlink, alink.

Content model: (p | h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6 | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | dl | div | center | noscript | noframes | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | fieldset | address | #pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)* +(ins|del)


(br . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BR single tag element (forced line break ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:br
HTML documentationBR

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, clear.


(font . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) FONT double tag element (local change to font ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:font
HTML documentationFONT

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, size, color, face.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(basefont . attributes)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BASEFONT single tag element (base font size ).

attributesHTML and CSS attribute value pairs. Attribute names must be symbols; CSS attributes: 'css:name. Attribute values must be strings.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:basefont
HTML documentationBASEFONT

Required attributes: size.

Optional attributes: id, color, face.


(bdo . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BDO double tag element (I18N BiDi over-ride ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:bdo
HTML documentationBDO

Required attributes: dir.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(span . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SPAN double tag element (generic language/style container ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:span
HTML documentationSPAN

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(sub . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SUB double tag element (subscript, superscript ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:sub
HTML documentationSUB

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(sup . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SUP double tag element (subscript, superscript ).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:sup
HTML documentationSUP

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(tt . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) TT double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:tt
HTML documentationTT

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(i . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) I double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:i
HTML documentationI

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(b . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) B double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:b
HTML documentationB

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(u . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) U double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:u
HTML documentationU

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(s . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) S double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:s
HTML documentationS

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(strike . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) STRIKE double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:strike
HTML documentationSTRIKE

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(big . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) BIG double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:big
HTML documentationBIG

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(small . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SMALL double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:small
HTML documentationSMALL

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(em . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) EM double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:em
HTML documentationEM

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(strong . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) STRONG double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:strong
HTML documentationSTRONG

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(dfn . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) DFN double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:dfn
HTML documentationDFN

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(code . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) CODE double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:code
HTML documentationCODE

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(samp . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) SAMP double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:samp
HTML documentationSAMP

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(kbd . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) KBD double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:kbd
HTML documentationKBD

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(var . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) VAR double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:var
HTML documentationVAR

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(cite . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) CITE double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:cite
HTML documentationCITE

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(abbr . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) ABBR double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:abbr
HTML documentationABBR

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*


(acronym . attributes-and-contents)

The LAML mirror of the HTML 4.01 (transitional) ACRONYM double tag element (no explanation available).

attributes-and-contentsElement contents and attributes, as explained in the top of this manual.

An instance of an abstract syntaxt tree.

See also
general calling infoManual abstract
similar basic formhtml4:acronym
HTML documentationACRONYM

No required attributes.

Optional attributes: id, class, style, title, lang, dir, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup.

Content model: (#pcdata | tt | i | b | u | s | strike | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | q | sub | sup | span | bdo | iframe | input | select | textarea | label | button)*

Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:10:13
This documentation has been extracted automatically from the Scheme source file by means of the Schemedoc tool