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Lecture 6

The Standard Library and Metaprogramming

Kurt Nørmark
Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University

Title page            Abstract            References from this lecture            Exercises in this lecture            Source programs in this lecture            

Page 1IteratorsPage 21Function objects
Page 2Iterators seen as generalized pointersPage 22Using the sort algorithm
Page 3Example uses of iterators - basic stuffPage 23An example of for-each and function objects
Page 4Different classifications of iteratorsPage 24Use of function objects in STL
Page 5Categories of iteratorsPage 25Adapter examples
Page 6Insert iteratorsPage 26Generic Programming and Metaprogramming
Page 7Standard ContainersPage 27What is generic programming in C++?
Page 8Documentation of the container libraryPage 28What is metaprogramming in C++?
Page 9Overview of containersPage 29What is metaprogramming used for in C++?
Page 10Common properties of containersPage 30Static assert
Page 11A priority queue examplePage 31Type functions
Page 12A map examplePage 32Constant expressions in C++11
Page 13Container member typesPage 33Examples of constant expressions
Page 14Member types - ambiguitiesPage 34Selection between two types
Page 15A vector specialization: vector<bool>Page 35Selection between two functions
Page 16AlgorithmsPage 36Conditional declarations
Page 17Documentation of the algorithms libraryPage 37Example of type function: Integer of given byte size
Page 18Overview of AlgorithmsPage 38Generalizing Select with use of a variadic template
Page 19Principles used for algorithmsPage 39Compile Time iteration
Page 20The for-each algorithmPage 40More compile time computations - older stuff

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