Roadmap of

Infinite Results
The aim of this project is to provide a compehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in bisimilarity checking of infinite-state systems, and to stimulate further research on fundamental problems in order to close the gaps in the mosaic of infinite results.

A survey of the best achieved decidability/complexity results for classes of infinite-state systems is available in the following document. I will continuously update the presented results and in Section 5 of the document I will keep track of the changes being implemented.

I would like to encourage you to send me an e-mail ( whenever you improve any of the results presented in this document.

If you want to receive e-mail notifications about updates of the document, send me a short email with subject "SUBSCRIBE ROADMAP" and your email address in the body.

Jiri Srba
Aalborg, Denmark


Last modified: 2013-08-14 by Jiri Srba.            Back to my homepage