Jiri Srba
- 1. 8. 1999 - 31. 1. 2003: PhD student at BRICS,
Aarhus University, Denmark
- 1. 9. 1998 - 31. 7. 1999: PhD student at Faculty of Informatics,
Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic
- 1. 9. 1996 - 8. 6. 1998: Faculty of Informatics, MU Brno,
Czech Republic,
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Informatics
- 1. 9. 1993 - 29. 6. 1998: Faculty of Informatics,
MU Brno, Czech Republic,
Theoretical Computer
- 1. 9. 1989 - 30. 6. 1993: Secondary grammar school in Trebic,
Czech Republic
- 1. 9. 1981 - 30. 6. 1989: Basic school in Trebic, Czech Republic
Academic Qualifications
- 2005: PhD in Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
University in Brno, Czech Republic
Dissertation Thesis:
Selected Techniques for Verification of Infinite-State Systems
(see publications)
- 2003: PhD in Computer Science, BRICS, Aarhus University, Denmark
Dissertation Thesis:
Decidability and Complexity Issues for Infinite-State Processes
(see publications)
- 2001: Qualifying Exam:
Interleaving and Independence Models in Concurrency,
BRICS, Aarhus University, Denmark
- 1998: Mgr. (master's degree) in Theoretical Computer Science,
Faculty of Informatics,
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Context-Free Process Algebras Extended with Deadlocking States
(see publications)
- 1998: University state-exam in Upper Secondary School Teacher
Training in Informatics, Faculty of Informatics,
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
- 1996: Bc. in Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics,
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
- 2018 - : Professor, Dept. of Computer Science,
Aalborg University, Denmark.
- 2018 - 2018 : Professor (with special duties), Dept. of Computer Science,
Aalborg University, Denmark.
- 2005 - 2018 : Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science,
Aalborg University, Denmark.
- 2003 - 2005 : Assistant Professor, BRICS, Dept. of Computer Science,
Aalborg University, Denmark.
- 1999 - 2002: Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty
of Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
- 1998 - 1999: Assistant, Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty
of Informatics, Masaryk University, Czech Republic.
Courses taught:
- Process Mining, 2024 (lecturer, Aalborg)
- Selected Topics in Modelling and Verification, 2024
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Rene R. Hansen and Giorgio Bacci, Aalborg)
- Computability and Complexity, 2023
(lecturer, Aalborg)
- Selected Topics in Modelling and Verification, 2023
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Rene R. Hansen and Giorgio Bacci, Aalborg)
- Computability and Complexity, 2022
(lecturer, Aalborg)
- Selected Topics in Modelling and Verification, 2022
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Rene R. Hansen and Giorgio Bacci, Aalborg)
- Computability and Complexity, 2021
(lecturer, Aalborg)
- Selected Topics in Modelling and Verification, 2021
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Rene R. Hansen and Giorgio Bacci, Aalborg)
- Theory of Science, 2020 (lecturer, with Manfred Jaeger and Hans Huttel, Aalborg)
- Advanced Topics in Modelling and Verification, 2020
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Rene R. Hansen and Giorgio Bacci, Aalborg)
- Theory of Science, 2019 (lecturer, with Manfred Jaeger and Radu Mardare, Aalborg)
- Advanced Topics in Modelling and Verification, 2019
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Rene R. Hansen and Radu Mardare, Aalborg)
- Theory of Science, 2018 (lecturer, with Manfred Jaeger and Radu Mardare, Aalborg)
- Advanced Topics in Modelling and Verification, 2018
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Rene R. Hansen and Radu Mardare, Aalborg)
- Theory of Science, 2017 (lecturer, with Manfred Jaeger and Radu Mardare, Aalborg)
- Advanced Topics in Modelling and Verification, 2017
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Rene R. Hansen and Radu Mardare, Aalborg)
- Modelling and Verification, 2017 (lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
- Theory of Science, 2016 (lecturer, with Manfred Jaeger and Radu Mardare, Aalborg)
- Advanced Topics in Semantics and Verification, 2016
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Hans Huttel, Rene R. Hansen, Aalborg)
- Semantics and Verification, 2016
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
- Theory of Science, 2015 (lecturer, with Manfred Jaeger and Radu Mardare, Aalborg)
- Advanced Topics in Semantics and Verification, 2015
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Hans Huttel, Rene R. Hansen, Aalborg)
- Semantics and Verification, 2015
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
- Theory of Science, 2014 (lecturer, with Manfred Jaeger and Radu Mardare, Aalborg)
- Advanced Topics in Semantics and Verification, 2014
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Hans Huttel, Rene R. Hansen, Aalborg)
- Semantics and Verification, 2014
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
- Theory of Science, 2013 (lecturer, with Bo Thiesson and Radu Mardare, Aalborg)
- Advanced Topics in Semantics and Verification, 2013
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Hans Huttel, Rene R. Hansen, Aalborg)
- Semantics and Verification, 2013
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
- Professional Communication in Computer Science, 2012
(lecturer, Aalborg)
- Advanced Topics in Semantics and Verification, 2012
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Hans Huttel, Rene R. Hansen, Aalborg)
- Semantics and Verification, 2012
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
- Computability and Complexity, 2011
(lecturer, Aalborg)
Semantics and Verification, 2011
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
Professional Communication in Computer Science, 2011
(lecturer, Aalborg)
Computability and Complexity, 2010
(lecturer, Aalborg)
Professional Communication in Computer Science, 2010
(lecturer, Aalborg)
Formal Systems, 2009 (lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen and Ulrik Nyman,
Computability and Complexity, 2009
(lecturer, Aalborg)
Professional Communication in Computer Science, 2009
(lecturer, Aalborg)
Semantics and Verification, 2009
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
Computability and Complexity, 2008
(lecturer, Aalborg)
Formal Languages and Machines, 2008
(lecturer, Aalborg)
Professional Communication in Computer Science, 2008
(lecturer, Aalborg)
Semantics and Verification, 2008
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
Formal Systems, 2007 (lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
Formal Languages and Machines, 2007 (lecturer, Aalborg)
Mathematical Methods in Computer Science, 2007
(lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
Professional Communication in Computer Science, 2007 (lecturer, Aalborg)
Semantics and Verification, 2007 (lecturer,
with Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg)
Formal Languages and Computability, 2006 (lecturer, Aalborg)
Algorithms and Datastructures, 2006 (lecturer, Aalborg)
Semantics and Verification, 2006 (lecturer, with Kim G. Larsen , Aalborg)
Introduction to Infinite-State Systems,
2005 (PhD course, Copenhagen, lecturer)
Formal Languages and Computability, 2005 (lecturer, Aalborg)
Algorithms and Datastructures, 2005 (lecturer, Aalborg)
Introduction to Verification of Infinite-State Systems,
2005 (PhD course, Aalborg, lecturer)
Course Home-Page
Semantics and Verification, 2005 (lecturer, Aalborg)
Semantics Models and Verification, 2004
(lecturer, with Hans Huttel, Aalborg)
Algorithms and Datastructures, 2004 (lecturer, Aalborg)
Algorithms and Datastructures, 2003 (lecturer, Aalborg)
Programming Language Semantics, 1998 (lecturer, Brno)
Formal Languages and Automata (seminar leader, Brno)
Fundamentale Modeller (seminar leader, Aarhus)
Programming Languages and Formal Semantics
(seminar leader 2x, Aarhus)
Research Interests Concurrency theory,
process algebras, decidability
issues in various classes of
(infinite-state) systems, verification of concurrent systems,
modal and temporal logics.
the complete list.
Academic Awords
- 2019: Awarded the best software science paper of ETAPS'19 (presented at TACAS'19).
- 2017: Awarded the ICTAC'17 prize for the best paper
- 2017: Awarded the Petri Nets'17 prize for the best paper
- 2015: Lecturer of the Year for the Studyboard of Computer Science, Aalborg University
- 2011: Lecturer of the Year for the Studyboard of Computer Science, Aalborg University
- 2006: Lecturer of the Year for Natural Sciences, Aalborg University
- 1998: Awarded the MFCS'98 prize for the Best Students' Contribution
- 1998: Awarded the annual rector's prize, Masaryk University
- 1998: Awarded the annual dean's prize, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
- 1996: Awarded the annual dean's prize, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk
Summer Schools
- 2002: Summer School on Massive Data Sets, June 27 - July 1, BRICS,
University of Aarhus, Denmark
- 1999: Summer School in Semantics of Computation, May 3-7, BRICS,
University of Aarhus, Denmark
Grants Participation
- 2020-2022: Villum Synergy project CLAIRE,
- 2020-2023: Vienna Science and Technology Fund project WHATIF,
- 2019-2023: DFF project QASNET,
(main applicant and PI).
- 2017-2019: EUROSTARS project REACHI,
(co-application and project leader for AAU CISS).
- 2013-2016: FF7 EU Network project CASSTING, Collective Adaptive
Systems Synthesis with Non-Zero-Sum Games
(site coordinator).
Project website CASSTING.
- 2008-2011: FF7 EU Network project TRICE, Teaching, Research and
Innovation in Computing Education
(coordinator for Denmark).
Project website TRICE.
- 2005-2010:Institute for Theoretical Computer Science
Project No.
- 2003-2005: Verification of Infinite-state Systems
Grant Agency of Czech Republic, Project No.
- 2000-2003: Infinite-State Concurrent Systems - Models and Verification
Grant Agency of Czech Republic, Project No.
- 1997-2000: Algorithmic Verification Boundaries for
Infinite-State Systems
Grant Agency of Czech Republic, Project No.
- 1999: Verification of Infinite-State Concurrent
Fund for Development of Universities,
FRVS - 0409/1999.