Jiri Srba
I am employed as professor at
Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University, Denmark.
The main area of my interest is within concurrency theory, in particular:
- software verification with particular focus on
quantitative systems,
- model checking of (timed-arc) Petri nets and timed automata
- process algebra, modal transition systems, weighted automata
- decidability and complexity issues for various classes of infinite
state systems, and
- applying formal methods for verification and synthesis of computer networks.
Events where I am a PC member:
Jiri Srba
University of Aalborg
Department of Computer Science
Selma Lagerlofs Vej 300
9220 Aalborg East
Office: 1.2.32
Phone: +45 99 40 98 51
Fax : +45 99 40 97 98
Mobil: +45 20 45 35 14
Email: srba@cs.aau.dk