Formal Systems (DAT5/E2008)

The goals of this course are:

Note that students are expected to attend all sessions.

[ lecture plan | lecturers | links ]


Lectures are held in room 0.1.12 on mondays from 12:30 to 14:15.

#DateTopic (speaker(s))
1 08 SEP Course introduction (HH) [slides]
Assigning papers to be presented
2 15 SEP Typing One-to-One and One-to-Many Correspondences in Security Protocols
By Andrew D. Gordon and Alan Jeffrey
Presenter: Palle Raabjerg
Opponent: Jesper Brix Rosenkilde
Automatically Validating Temporal Safety Properties of Interfaces
By Thomas Ball and Sriram K. Rajamani
Presenter: Mads Christian Olesen
Opponent: Martin Toft
3 22 SEP Bisimulation through Probabilistic Testing
By Kim Guldstrand Larsen and Arne Skou
Presenter: Jan Kretinsky
Opponent: Kenneth Blanner Holleufer
Modelling and Verification of the LMAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
By A Fehnker, A Mader, and L van Hoesel
Presenter: M. Saleem Vighio
Opponent: Andreas Engelbredt Dalsgaard
4 29 SEP Specification and Refinement of Probabilistic Processes
By Bengt Jonsson and Kim Guldstrand Larsen
Presenter: Nikola Benes
Opponent: Jesper Brix Rosenkilde
CTL Model Checking
By Baier and Katoen
Presenter: Martin Toft
Opponent: Palle Raabjerg
5 06 OKT Planning as model checking for extended goals in non-deterministic domains
By M. Pistore and P. Traverso
Presenter: Kenneth Blanner Holleufer
Opponent: Jan Kretinsky
Applying Compiler Techniques to Cache Behavior Prediction
By Christian Ferdinand, Florian Martin, and Reinhard Wilhelm
Presenter: Andreas Engelbredt Dalsgaard
Opponent: Mads Christian Olesen
6 20 OKT Symbolic controller synthesis for discrete and timed systems
By Eugene Asarin, Oded Maler, and Amir Pnueli
Presenter: Jesper Brix Rosenkilde
Opponent: M. Saleem Vighio
A Type Discipline for Authorization Policies
By Cédric Fournet, Andrew D. Gordon, and Sergio Maffeis
Presenter: Palle Raabjerg
Opponent: Nikola Benes
7 27 OKT Model-based Schedulability Analysis of Safety Critical Hard Real-Time Java Programs
By Thomas Bøgholm, Henrik Kragh-Hansen, Petur Olsen, Bent Thomsen, and Kim G. Larsen
Presenter: Mads Christian Olesen
Opponent: Kenneth Blanner Holleufer
Improved Upper and Lower Bounds for Modal Logics of Programs
By Moshe Y. Vardi and Larry J. Stockmeyer
Presenter: Jan Kretinsky
Opponent: Andreas Engelbredt Dalsgaard
8 03 NOV Formal Verification and Simulation for Performance Analysis for Probabilistic Broadcast Protocols
By Ansgar Fehnker and Peng Gao
Presenter: M. Saleem Vighio
Opponent: N/A
Interface Input/Output Automata
By Kim G. Larsen, Ulrik Nyman, and Andrzej Wasowski
Presenter: Nikola Benes
Opponent: N/A
9 10 NOV Sensitivity Analysis of Cache Replacement Policies
By Jan Reineke og Daniel Grund
Presenter: Martin Toft
Opponent: Jan Kretinsky
Strategic Planning through Model Checking of ATL Formulae
By Wojciech Jamroga
Presenter: Kenneth Blanner Holleufer
Opponent: Palle Raabjerg
10 17 NOV The Influence of Processor Architecture on the Design and the Results of WCET Tools
By Heckmann, R.; Langenbach, M.; Thesing, S.; Wilhelm, R.
Presenter: Andreas Engelbredt Dalsgaard
Opponent: Nikola Benes
Efficient on-the-fly algorithms for the analysis of timed games
By Franck Cassez, Alexandre David, Emmanuel Fleury, Kim G. Larsen, Didier Lime
Presenter: Jesper Brix Rosenkilde
Opponent: M. Saleem Vighio
11 24 NOV Type-Based Verification of Correspondence Assertions for Communication Protocols
By Daisuke Kikuchi and Naoki Kobayashi
Presenter: Palle Raabjerg
Why Model Checking Can Improve WCET Analysis
By Alexander Metzner
Presenter: Mads Christian Olesen
Probabilistic Propositional Temporal Logics
By Sergiu Hart and Micha Sharir
Presenter: Jan Kretinsky
12 01 DEC Does Clock Precision Influence ZigBee's Energy Consumptions?
By Christian Groß, Holger Hermanns, Reza Pulungan
Presenter: Saleem M. Vighio
Presenter: Nikola Benes
Automatic Identification of Timing Anomalies for Cycle-Accurate Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
By J. Eisinger, I. Polian, B. Becker, A. Metzner, S. Thesing og R. Wilhelm.
Presenter: Martin Toft
13 08 DEC TBA
Presenter: Kenneth Blanner Holleufer
Presenter: Andreas Engelbredt Dalsgaard
Presenter: Jesper Brix Rosenkilde

