Generated: Sunday, December 4, 2005, 22:41:23 A SchemeDoc Manual

My manual with Custom tags

My Name My affiliation

Source file: /user/normark/.public_html/schemedoc/examples/ex-custom

Some abstract. This examples shows the use of the custom tags class and my-tag.

Table of Contents:
1. Section one. 2. Section two.

Alphabetic index:
add (add x y) The function f adds to numbers.
fac (fac n) Calculate the factorial of n
sample-function (sample-function) A function that returns a number of factorial numbers.
subtract (subtract x y) The function f subtracts to numbers

1 Section one.
This is section one. The two functions in this section are documented by quite a few SchemeDoc tags.

Form (add x y)
Classification Arithmetic function
Description The function f adds to numbers.
Precondition Both a and b are numbers
Parameters x The first number
y The second number
Returns Return the sum of x and y
Postcondition The result is the sum of x and y
Example (add 1 2)
See also Scheme source file add
Context SchemeDoc
next section second
the other function subtract
Note Miscelaneous information
Here we can write some longer
story about the add function
on several lines using the line continuation character,
and using preformatted text by means
of the HTML pre tag.

Form (subtract x y)
Classification Arithmetic function
Description The function f subtracts to numbers
Precondition Both a and b are numbers
Parameters x The first number
y The second number
Returns Returns x - y
Postcondition The result is the difference between x and y
Example (subtract 7 5)
See also Scheme source file subtract
Context SchemeDoc
the other function add
Just demo Some value

2 Section two.
This is the second section, only with a couple of functions. The comment of these functions are not documented with a lot of SchemeDoc tags.

Form (fac n)
Classification Arithmetic function
Description Calculate the factorial of n
See also Scheme source file fac

Form (sample-function)
Classification Application function
Description A function that returns a number of factorial numbers.
See also Scheme source file sample-function

Generated: Sunday, December 4, 2005, 22:41:23
Generated by LAML SchemeDoc using LAML Version 30.2 (November 29, 2005, full, alpha)