;;; Scheme SVG path functions. ;;; Functions for definition of SVG paths ;; Move start of path to x y - absolute (define (am-p x y path) (string-append "M " (as-string x) " " (as-string y) " " path)) ;; The emtpy path (define (e-p) "") ; Absolute line path to x,y (define (al-p x y path) (p-exp "L" path x y)) ; Relative line path to x,y (define (rl-p x y path) (p-exp "l" path x y)) ; Absolute horizontal path (define (ah-p x path) (p-exp "H" path x)) ; Relative horizontal path (define (rh-p x path) (p-exp "h" path x)) ; Absolute vertical path (define (av-p y path) (p-exp "V" path y)) ; Relative vertical path (define (rv-p y path) (p-exp "v" path y)) ; Relative move to - without drawing (define (rm-p x y path) (p-exp "m" path x y)) ; Absolute move to - without drawing (define (am-p x y path) (p-exp "M" path x y)) ; Closed path (define (z-p) "Z") ; SVG render path (define (p-exp letter path . coordinates) (string-append letter " " (list-to-string (map as-string coordinates) " ") " " path)) (define concat-p string-append) (define (box . four-numbers) (list-to-string (map as-string four-numbers) " "))