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Exercise solution:
Linear string search

It is not obvious to replicate the parameter profile from find-in-list. The reason is that the element type of strings is always char. Thus, a predicate will typically (but not necessarily) check for equality relative to a given, fixed character. In that case find-in-string from lib/general.scm is a reasonable solution. Here it is:

;; Search linearly for the character ch in the string str. 
;; An optional start postion start-post tells at which position to start the search (default is position 0).
;; Return the index of the first occurence of ch, or #f if it does not exist in str.
;; The index of the first character in a string is 0.
(define (find-in-string str ch . start-pos)
 (let ((start-pos-1 (if (null? start-pos) 0 (car start-pos))))
  (find-in-string-1 str ch start-pos-1 (string-length str))))

(define (find-in-string-1 str ch i lgt)
  (cond ((>= i lgt) #f)
        ((eqv? ch (string-ref str i)) i)
        (else (find-in-string-1 str ch (+ i 1) lgt))))  

Please be aware if you make a tail recursive function or not.