The Note Context in the rightmost column is only shown in case an annotated program exists. - You can navigate to the annotated program via the annotated slide view (= 'the note context').
An illustration of the problems with covariance. | ex.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
An abstract class Stack - without data representation - with a non-abstract ToggleTop method. | stack.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The abstract class Point with four abstract properties. | AbstractPoint.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A non-abstract specialization of class Point (with private polar representation). | Point.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Some client class of Point - Similar to a Point client from an earlier lecture. | Client.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Sketches of the classes Vehicle, FixedProperty, Bus, and House - for the exercise. | classes.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The interface IGameObject. | gameobject.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class Die which implements IGameObject. | die.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class Card which implements IGameObject. | PlayingCard.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A sample Client program of Die and Card. | client.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A reproduction of the interface IComparable. | IComparable-non-generic.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A reproduction of the interface IEnumerable. | IEnumerable.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A reproduction of the interface IEnumerator. | IEnumerator.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
IEnumerator in the type Interval. | Interval.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Iteration with and without foreach based on the enumerator. | app_1.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A reproduction of the interface IFormattable. | IFormattable.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The struct Card that implements IFormattable. | PlayingCard.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A client of Card which applies formatting of cards. | Client.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class Playing card with a property Value. | PlayingCard.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The Interface IGameObject with a conflicting Value property. | gameobject.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A class Card which implements IGameObject. | PlayingCard.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Sample use of class Card in a Client class. | Client.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
An application of some MusicElement objects. | client.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The abstract class MusicElement. | Me.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class Note. | Note.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class Pause. | Pause.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class SequentialMusicElement. | SME.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The class ParallelMusicElement. | PME.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
An application of IntSequence objects. | App.cs | Slide context | - | - |
The abstract class IntSequence. | Sequence.cs | Slide context | - | - |
A program that builds a sample composite graphical user interface. | CompositeDemo.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A reproduction of the interface ICloneable. | ICloneable.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A cloneable class Point. | Point.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A sample client of class Point. | Client.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Illegal cloning with MemberwiseClone. | Client-in-error.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The initial program. | fragile.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A revised program with a new version of class A with a method M2. | fragile.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The revised version with method A.M2 being virtual. | fragile.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The revised version with method A.M2 being hidden. | fragile.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The abstract class IntSequence. | Sequence.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A sample application of IntSequences. | App.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
The Visitor Interface. | Sequence.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
A sample application of IntSequences and visitors. | App.cs | Slide context | Text book context | - |
Generated: Monday February 7, 2011, 12:17:40