The Note Context in the rightmost column is only shown in case an annotated program exists. - You can navigate to the annotated program via the annotated slide view (= 'the note context').
Sample Data - short form. | data.cs | Slide context | - | - |
The average age of all females. | ex1.cs | Slide context | - | - |
The average age of all females - basic version. | ex2.cs | Slide context | - | - |
A comma-separated list of all male first names, youngest first. | ex3.cs | Slide context | - | - |
A sequence of female-male pairs sequences. | ex4.cs | Slide context | - | - |
Same - using flattening SelecteMany. | ex4A.cs | Slide context | - | - |
Reproduction of some central query operations. | reproductions.cs | Slide context | - | - |
Using the reproduced query operations. | using-reproductions.cs | Slide context | - | - |
Same program with use of query syntax. | ex1-qs.cs | Slide context | - | - |
Same program with use of query syntax. | ex3-qs.cs | Slide context | - | - |
The Sieve query operator. | sieve-query-operator.cs | Slide context | - | - |
An application of the Sieve query operator. | sieve-application.cs | Slide context | - | - |
The AdInfinitum extension method in type long. | long-extension.cs | Slide context | - | - |
Generated: Monday February 7, 2011, 12:24:21