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Program 3
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

class Client{

  public static void Main(){
    Person p = new Person("Peter", new Date(1936, 5, 11));
    p.Died(new Date(2007,5,10));
    Console.WriteLine("{0}", p);

    using (FileStream strm = 
               new FileStream("person.dat", FileMode.Create)){
      IFormatter fmt = new BinaryFormatter();
      fmt.Serialize(strm, p);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------
    p = null;
    Console.WriteLine("Reseting person");
    // -----------------------------------------------------------
    using (FileStream strm = 
               new FileStream("person.dat", FileMode.Open)){
      IFormatter fmt = new BinaryFormatter();
      p = fmt.Deserialize(strm) as Person;

    Console.WriteLine("{0}", p);
