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Program 1
using System;
using System.IO;

class App{

  public static void Main(string[] args){

     TextWriter standardOutput = Console.Out;
     StreamWriter myOut = null,
                  myError = null;

     if (args.Length == 2) {
        Console.Out.WriteLine("Redirecting std output and error to files");
        myOut = new StreamWriter(args[0]);
        myError = new StreamWriter(args[1]);
     } else {
        Console.Out.WriteLine("Keeping standard output and error unchanged");

     // Output from this section of the program may be redirected
     Console.Out.WriteLine("Text to std output - by Console.Out.WriteLine");
     Console.WriteLine("Text to standard output -  by Console.WriteLine(...)");
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Error msg - by Console.Error.WriteLine(...)");

     if (args.Length == 2) {
       myOut.Close(); myError.Close();

     Console.Out.WriteLine("Now we are back again");
     Console.Out.WriteLine("Good Bye");