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Program 1

/* Right, Wrong */

using System;
public class OutputDemo {

// Placeholder syntax: {<argument#>[,<width>][:<format>[<precision>]]} 

  public static void Main(){
    Console.Write(    "Argument number only: {0} {1}\n", 1, 1.1);   
//  Console.WriteLine("Formatting code d: {0:d},{1:d}", 2, 2.2);    

    Console.WriteLine("Formatting codes d and f: {0:d}  {1:f}", 3, 3.3);  
    Console.WriteLine("Field width: {0,10:d}  {1,10:f}", 4, 4.4);  
    Console.WriteLine("Left aligned: {0,-10:d}  {1,-10:f}", 5, 5.5);  
    Console.WriteLine("Precision: {0,10:d5}  {1,10:f5}", 6, 6.6);  
    Console.WriteLine("Exponential: {0,10:e5}  {1,10:e5}", 7, 7.7);  
    Console.WriteLine("Currency: {0,10:c2}  {1,10:c2}", 8, 8.887);   
    Console.WriteLine("General: {0:g}  {1:g}", 9, 9.9);  
    Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal: {0:x5}", 12); 

    Console.WriteLine("DateTime formatting with F: {0:F}", DateTime.Now);  
    Console.WriteLine("DateTime formatting with G: {0:G}", DateTime.Now);  
    Console.WriteLine("DateTime formatting with T: {0:T}", DateTime.Now);  