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Object-oriented Programming in C#
Generic Types and Methods
* Motivation for Generic Types
Operations on sets
The classes IntSet and StringSet
The class ObjectSet
* Generic Types
The generic class Set<T>
Generic Types
Constraints on Formal Type Parameters
Constraints: Strings of comparable elements
Another example of constraints
Generic structs
Generic interfaces: IComparable<T>
Generic equality interfaces
Generic Classes and Inheritance
* Generic Methods
Generic Methods
Generic Delegates
Predefined generic delegates
Generic types and methods - Pros and Cons
Generic types and methods - Pros and Cons
What are the advantages and disadvantages of generic types?
Readability and Documentation
More precise indication of types.
Less downcasting from class Object
Type Checking
Better and more precise typechecking
There is a potential for more efficient programs
Less casting - fewer boxings
Yet another abstraction and parametrization-level on top of the existing