![]() ![]() | generics/comparable-die/2/die-random.cs - A class Die that implements IComparable<T>. | Lecture 11 - slide 14 : 21 Program 4 |
using System; public class Die: IComparable<Die> { private int numberOfEyes; private Random randomNumberSupplier; private const int maxNumberOfEyes = 6; public Die(){ randomNumberSupplier = Random.Instance(); numberOfEyes = NewTossHowManyEyes(); } public int CompareTo(Die other){ return this.numberOfEyes.CompareTo(other.numberOfEyes); } public void Toss(){ numberOfEyes = NewTossHowManyEyes(); } private int NewTossHowManyEyes (){ return randomNumberSupplier.Next(1,maxNumberOfEyes + 1); } public int NumberOfEyes() { return numberOfEyes; } public override String ToString(){ return String.Format("[{0}]", numberOfEyes); } } public class Random { // Singleton pattern: // Keeps track of unique instance of this class private static Random uniqueInstance = null; // Holds the instance of System.Random private System.Random systemRandom; // Singleton pattern: Private constructor. private Random(){ systemRandom = new System.Random(unchecked((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks)); } public static Random Instance(){ if (uniqueInstance == null) uniqueInstance = new Random(); return uniqueInstance; } public int Next(int lower, int upper){ // delegate to systemRandom return systemRandom.Next(lower,upper); } } class App{ public static void Main(){ Die[] dice = new Die[]{new Die(), new Die(), new Die(), new Die(), new Die(), new Die(), new Die(), new Die(), }; Console.WriteLine("Before sorting"); foreach(Die d in dice) Console.Write("{0} ", d); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("After sorting"); Array.Sort(dice); foreach(Die d in dice) Console.Write("{0} ", d); } }