![]() ![]() | generics/compose/1/generic-function-composition.cs - Generic reprogramming of the program that composes functions. | Lecture 11 - slide 19 : 21 Program 1 |
using System; public class CompositionDemo { // A function from S to T public delegate T Function <S,T>(S d); // The generic function for function composition // g: T -> U // f: U -> S // f o g: T -> S public static Function<T,S> Compose<T,U,S> // T to S via U (Function<U,S> f, Function<T,U> g){ return delegate(T d){return f(g(d));}; } // A generic PrintTable function // f: S -> T public static void PrintTableOfFunction<S,T> (Function<S,T> f, string fname, S[] inputValues){ foreach(S s in inputValues) Console.WriteLine("{0,35}({1,-4:F3}) = {2}", fname, s, f(s)); Console.WriteLine(); } public static double Square(double d){ return d*d; } public static double Cubic(double d){ return d*d*d; } public static double Minus3(double d){ return d-3; } public static void Main(){ PrintTableOfFunction(Compose<double,double,double>(Cubic, Minus3) , "Cubic of Minus3", new double[]{0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0}); PrintTableOfFunction( Compose<double,double,double>( Square, delegate(double d){ return d > 2 ? -d : 0;}) , "Square of if d>2 then -d else 0", new double[]{0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0}); } }