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Object-oriented Programming in C#
Exception Handling
* Fundamental Questions about Exception Handling
What is the motivation?
What is an error?
What is normal? What is exceptional?
Examples of normal and exceptional aspects
When are errors detected?
How are errors handled?
Where are errors handled?
* Conventional Exception Handling
Exception Handling Approaches
Mixing normal and exceptional cases
* Object-oriented Exception Handling
Errors as Objects
Classification of Errors
* Exceptions and Exception Handling in C#
Exceptions in a C# program
The try-catch statement C#
Handling exceptions in C#
The hierarchy of exceptions in C#
The class System.Exception in C#
Handling more than one type of exception in C#
Propagation of exceptions in C#
Raising and throwing exceptions in C#
Try-catch with a finally clause
Rethrowing an exception
Raising an exception in an exception handler
Comparison with exception handling in Java
* Recommendations about exception handling
Recommendations about exception handling
Recommendations about exception handling
Comparison with exception handling in Java
The catch or specify principle
: A method either catches and handles an exception, or it specifies that it may throw the exception
In Java
the signatures of methods are extended with a
tells that the method may throw a given exceptions
a branch of the exception hierarchy - the so-called
- is exempted from
the catch or specify principle
In C#
all exceptions correspond to Java
A Java program - does not compile.
Main calls explosion without handling or specifying Problem.
A Java program - main handles Problem.
A Java program - main specifies Problem.