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Object-oriented Programming in C#
Documentation of Object-oriented Programs
* Documentation of Object-oriented Programs
Program Documentation
Program Documentation - When and Where?
Documentation of C# Programs
A documentation example in C#
The XML Documentation Language for C#
Tool support: The C# Compiler
Tool support: Doxygen
Tool support: Other possibilities
Another documentation example in C#
Conclusion - Documentation of C# Programs
* Project Recommendations
Documentation Recommendations
The XML Documentation Language for C#
The elements of the C# documentation language
Supported Doxygen XML Commands
XML Documentation elements
<summary> summary text </summary>
Describes types as well as type members
Additional information about a type, supplementing the information specified in a summary.
<param name="p">parameter description</param>
Description of the parameter p
Documents a property (the value which is represented by the property)
<typeparam name="name">description</typeparam>
Documents a type parameter of a generic type or method
Describes the return value of a method
An example of how to use a method. May contain code elements
Text indicated/emphasized as code
Text indicated/emphasized - multiple lines of code
<exception cref="e">description</exception>
Documents the exception e
<include file='filename' path='tagpath[@name="id"]' />
Include part of another documentation file in the current documentation.
Relies on XPath expressions.
<list> ... </list>
A bullet list facility. Can be used in summaries.
Relies on additional nested elements such as
<listheader> ... </listheader>
<item> ... </item>
A paragraph. Used within summaries and remarks for markup of a paragraph.
<paramref name="name"/>
Used for references to parameters within summary or remarks
<see cref="member"/>
A reference to a member
<seealso cref="member"/>
Contributes to a separate "See also" clause of the documentation
<typeparamref name="name"/>
Format the name of a type parameter in distinct way.
Native Doxygen Documentation Commands
Doxygen HTML Commands
In addition to the XML elements mentioned above you can invent and use your own "tags"