![]() ![]() ![]() | collections/list/0/prog.cs - Basic operations on a List of characters. | Lecture 12 - slide 13 : 36 Program 1 |
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; /* Very similar to our illustration of class Collection<char> */ class BasicListDemo{ public static void Main(){ // List initialization and adding elements to the end of the list: List<char> lst = new List<char>{'a', 'b', 'c'}; lst.Add('d'); lst.Add('e'); ReportList("Initial list, followed by lst.Add('d'); lst.Add('e');", lst); // Mutate existing elements in the list lst[0] = 'z'; lst[1]++; ReportList("lst[0] = 'z'; lst[1]++;", lst); // Insert and push towards the end lst.Insert(0,'n'); ReportList("lst.Insert(0,'n');", lst); // Insert at end - with Insert lst.Insert(lst.Count,'x'); // equivalent to lst.Add('x'); ReportList("lst.Insert(lst.Count,'x');", lst); // Insert a new list into existing list, at position 2. lst.InsertRange(2, new List<char>{'1', '2', '3', '4'}); ReportList("lst.InsertRange(2, new List<char>{'1', '2', '3', '4'});", lst); // Remove element 0 and push toward the beginning lst.RemoveAt(0); ReportList("lst.RemoveAt(0);", lst); // Remove first occurrence of 'c' lst.Remove('c'); ReportList("lst.Remove('c');", lst); // Remove 2 elements, starting at element 1 lst.RemoveRange(1, 2); ReportList("lst.RemoveRange(1, 2);", lst); // Remove all remaining digits lst.RemoveAll(delegate(char ch){return Char.IsDigit(ch);}); ReportList("lst.RemoveAll(delegate(char ch){return Char.IsDigit(ch);});", lst); // Test of all remaining characters are letters if (lst.TrueForAll(delegate(char ch){return Char.IsLetter(ch);})) Console.WriteLine("All characters in lst are letters"); else Console.WriteLine("NOT All characters in lst are letters"); } public static void ReportList<T>(string explanation, List<T> list){ Console.WriteLine(explanation); foreach(T el in list) Console.Write("{0, 3}", el); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); } }