![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | collections/dictionary/0/prog.cs - A program working with Dictionary<Person,BankAccount>. | Lecture 12 - slide 27 : 36 Program 3 |
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; class DictionaryDemo{ public static void Main(){ IDictionary<Person, BankAccount> bankMap = new Dictionary<Person,BankAccount>(new PersonComparer()); // Make bank accounts and person objects BankAccount ba1 = new BankAccount(0.01), ba2 = new BankAccount(0.02), ba3 = new BankAccount(0.03), ba4 = new BankAccount(0.04); Person p1 = new Person("Kurt"), p2 = new Person("Maria"), p3 = new Person("Francoi"); ba1.Deposit(100); ba2.Deposit(200); ba3.Deposit(300); // Populate the bankMap: bankMap.Add(p1, ba1); bankMap.Add(p2, ba2); bankMap.Add(p3, ba3); ReportDictionary("Initial map", bankMap); // Print Kurt's entry in the map: Console.WriteLine("{0}\n", bankMap[p1]); // Mutate Kurt's entry in the map bankMap[p1] = ba4; ReportDictionary("bankMap[p1] = ba4;", bankMap); // Mutate Maria's entry in the map. PersonComparer crucial! ba4.Deposit(400); bankMap[new Person("Maria")] = ba4; ReportDictionary("ba4.Deposit(400); bankMap[new Person(\"Maria\")] = ba4;", bankMap); // Add p3 yet another time to the map // Run-time error: An item with the same key has already been added. /* bankMap.Add(p3, ba1); ReportDictionary("bankMap.Add(p3, ba1);", bankMap); */ // Try getting values of some given keys BankAccount ba1Res = null, ba2Res = null; bool res1 = false, res2 = false; res1 = bankMap.TryGetValue(p2, out ba1Res); res2 = bankMap.TryGetValue(new Person("Anders"), out ba2Res); Console.WriteLine("Account: {0}. Boolean result {1}", ba1Res, res1); Console.WriteLine("Account: {0}. Boolean result {1}", ba2Res, res2); Console.WriteLine(); // Remove an entry from the map bankMap.Remove(p1); ReportDictionary("bankMap.Remove(p1);", bankMap); // Remove another entry - works because of PersonComparer bankMap.Remove(new Person("Francoi")); ReportDictionary("bankMap.Remove(new Person(\"Francoi\"));", bankMap); } public static void ReportDictionary<K, V>(string explanation, IDictionary<K,V> dict){ Console.WriteLine(explanation); foreach(KeyValuePair<K,V> kvp in dict) Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value); Console.WriteLine(); } } public class PersonComparer: IEqualityComparer<Person>{ public bool Equals(Person p1, Person p2){ return (p1.Name == p2.Name); } public int GetHashCode(Person p){ return p.Name.GetHashCode(); } }