using System;
using System.Collections;
public class BankAccount {
private double interestRate;
private string owner;
private decimal balance;
private long accountNumber;
private static long nextAccountNumber = 0;
private static ArrayList accounts = new ArrayList();
public BankAccount(string owner) {
this.accountNumber = nextAccountNumber;
this.interestRate = 0.0;
this.owner = owner;
this.balance = 0.0M;
public BankAccount(string owner, double interestRate) {
this.accountNumber = nextAccountNumber;
this.interestRate = interestRate;
this.owner = owner;
this.balance = 0.0M;
public decimal Balance () {
return balance;
public static long NumberOfAccounts (){
return nextAccountNumber;
public static BankAccount GetAccount (long accountNumber){
foreach(BankAccount ba in accounts)
if (ba.accountNumber == accountNumber)
return ba;
return null;
public void Withdraw (decimal amount) {
balance -= amount;
public void Deposit (decimal amount) {
balance += amount;
public void AddInterests() {
balance = balance + balance * (decimal)interestRate;
public override string ToString() {
return owner + "'s account, no. " + accountNumber + " holds " +
+ balance + " kroner";
} | |
Adds the current object to accounts.
this.owner refers to the shadowed instance variable