Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:14:54 Copyright © 2011 , Kurt Nørmark The local LAML software home page

Reference Manual of the SchemeDoc Index Facility

Kurt Nørmark Department of Computer Science Aalborg University Denmark

This is the manual of the SchemeDoc Index facility. A SchemeDoc index is a frame-based browser that covers a number of SchemeDoc manuals. In addition, it is possible to include and integrate an index of the Scheme Report (either R4RS or R5RS).

Basically, a SchemeDoc Index just enumerates the SchemeDoc manuals which should be part of the index.

The LAML & Scheme Browser and its LAML source is a good example of a concrete SchemeDoc Index. There is also an example of a SchemeDoc index and browser here.

See also the LAML SchemeDoc home page.

Alphabetic index:
manual-index The top-level root construct of a SchemeDoc Index.
manual-index-contribution Each manual index contribution enumerates a single SchemeDoc manual, which is to be included in the browser.
manual-index-contributions The construct around the individual manual-index-contribution clauses.
manual-index-front-matters The front matters clause of a Manual Index, which holds a number of overall attributes.
manual-index-title The title of the index

Description The top-level root construct of a SchemeDoc Index.
XML content model ( manual-index-front-matters , manual-index-contributions )

Description The front matters clause of a Manual Index, which holds a number of overall attributes.
XML content model ( manual-index-title )
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
browser-type ( one-step | two-steps ) A two-steps browser navigates from a manual list via a manual overview list (with a defined name list) to individual SchemeDoc manuals. A one-step browser navigates directly to the SchemeDoc manual from both the manual list and the defined name list.
left-frame-width CDATA The width of two left frames in the browser framset. Given in the units allowed by HTML, for instance "px" and "%".
top-frame-height CDATA The height of the top-most, left-most frame in the browser frameset. Given in the units allowed by HTML, for instance "px" and "%"
initial-manual-frame ( blank | info | first-manual-contribution ) Controls the initial content of the manual frame. The value "info" provides an initial page with a few basic informations about SchemeDoc.
source-destination-delta CDATA           ( html/ ) The path from the source directory, which holds the manual-index source file (with extension laml), and the destination directory, which holds the generated HTML files. A typical value is the default value "html". The empty string is also acceptable, in which case the source and destination directories are identical. Notice that you are supposed to create the destination directory yourself.
scheme-report-version ( r4rs | r5rs ) The version of the Revised Scheme Report to use in this index. Either "r4rs" or "r5rs" .
scheme-report ( none | include | merge ) How to include Scheme Report information in the browser. The value "includes" gives access to R4RS or R5RS information via a particular menu item. The value "merge" merges the defined names from the manuals with R4RS or R5RS names. The value "none" excludes R4RS/R5RS from this browser.
See also enclosing element manual-index

Description The title of the index
XML content model (#PCDATA | div | span )*
See also enclosing element manual-index-front-matters

Description The construct around the individual manual-index-contribution clauses.
XML content model ( manual-index-contribution * )
See also enclosing element manual-index

Description Each manual index contribution enumerates a single SchemeDoc manual, which is to be included in the browser. Normally, a SchemeDoc manual is addressed by a relative path (using the path attribute) from the manual index directory to the directory that holds the SchemeDoc manual. It is, however, also possible to address the internal manlsp file of the SchemeDoc manual and the SchemeDoc HTML manual separately (using the manual-file-path and manual-url-path attributes). This is only necessary if, for some reason, the manual HTML file and the internal manlsp file are located in different directories.
XML content model EMPTY
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
informative-name CDATA An informal, relative short name of this manual contribution. If not supplied, the title of the underlying title is used if available.
path CDATA A relative path to a SchemeDoc manual (with or without html/manlsp extension). The relative path goes from the directory, that holds the LAML source file of this index.
manual-file-path CDATA Outdated. Do not use.
manual-url-path CDATA Outdated. Do not use
See also enclosing element manual-index-contributions

Mirror Information Appendix.
Mirror name: schemedoc-index
Automatic loading of common XML-in-LAML library? No
List of action elements (manual-index)
Generation of named mirror functions: Yes
Mirror name prefix: None
Transliteration of CDATA? Yes
List of elements for which transliteration does not apply: '()
List of elements for which all white spacing is preserved: '()
Name of HTML character transformation table: html-char-transformation-table
Are default DTD attributes passed explicitly? No
Are attributes only allowed to be text strings? Yes
Is extended textual contents allowed? No
Is white space represented by this mirror? No
How are duplicated XML attributes handled: 'keep-all

Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:14:54
Generated by LAML SchemeDoc using LAML Version 38.0 (November 14, 2011, full)