Here follows some examples of guitar beat generation.
Description | Midl source file | Resulting midi file |
Slow - 4 down beats followed by 4 up beats | midl source file | midi file |
Two bars - Tyros mega voice (12 string guitar) | midl source file | midi file |
A 3/4 beat - for instance to Morning has Broken. Tyros mega voice (12 string guitar) | midl source file | midi file |
A variation of the one above | midl source file | midi file |
An example with velocity and time scaling - GM Guitar | midl source file | midi file |
A 2/4 beat - Tyros mega voice (12 string guitar) | midl source file | midi file |
A fast 16/16 beat with pauses - Tyros mega voice (12 string guitar) | midl source file | midi file |