Generated: January 4, 2005, 19:20:27 Copyright © 2005 , Kurt Nørmark The local LAML software home page

CGI programming examples

The following examples exist in this directory:

Example Scheme
Number guess number-guess.scm

The accompanying part of the LAML tutorial

The examples are available in the LAML distribution in the directory examples/tutorial/cgi-programming/

Index of tutorial examples.

If you modify the examples in this directory, or in one of the subdirectories, you may break or destroy your local copy of the LAML tutorial. Therefore you are encouraged to make a copy of the examples before modifying them.

If your browser will not present files with 'laml' or 'scm' extensions you should disable any special handling of these extensions on your system. In that way they are treated as pure text files.  


Generated: January 4, 2005, 19:20:27