Use this page to refine your photo show. You can change the defaults on the upper part of the pages. In the lower part you can change the file names, the timing, the upper and lower captions, and the sequencing of the photos.
Below you can specify the properties of each photo in the photo show. Only fill in the details if the defaults - shown above - do not apply. The number field in the first column specify the sequencing of the pictures; The sequence numbers are given as 10, 20, 30 in order to make it easy to put a photo in between others, for instance as 5, 15, 25, 35 etc. In case you you want to eliminate a photo from the show, just delete contents of the Photo file name field. If you want to add an extra photo, use one of the 3 empty entries at the bottom of the list.
This photo service system is designed and programmed by Kurt Nørmark (c), Aalborg University, Denmark using LAML technology.