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In Simula [7] it is possible to define procedures as
virtuals. Virtual procedures may be full procedure definitions, or
they may consist only of a procedure head. A virtual procedure
definition in a class C may be redefined in full detail in a subclass
of C. Let us, as an example, assume that the head of a procedure P is
declared as virtual in the class C and that P is defined in full
details in C', which is a subclass of C.
A call of the virtually declared procedure P in a C' object,
say in a procedure located in the class C,
may be understood as an
open point, the binding of which is supplied in C'. It is possible to
simulate default bindings of open points in Simula by letting the
virtual procedure definition be a full procedure definition, not just
a procedure head.
Simula is a compiled language in the tradition of Algol.
This implies that the open points defined by the call of
virtual procedures are bound definitively during the compilation process.
This is against the spirit of open points, and it leads to the conclusion
that Simula virtuals cannot be used
to simulate open points.
As discussed in section 3, it is difficult to obtain a late binding of
open points in languages that emphasize compile time bindings.
Kurt Noermark
Wed Mar 6 09:44:24 MET 1996