In this paper we have discussed dynamic models in relation to static models, as they are used during an object-oriented design process. It is a central claim of the paper that the dynamic model should be constructed before the static model, especially in complicated design situations. Whether a design situation is complicated depends on the skills of the designer. The main purpose of our research is to find out to which degree the claim is true.
A design model can be characterized with respect to
We do not think it is possible to make satisfactory descriptions of dynamic OOD models as diagrams on sheets of paper. Therefore we have proposed to deal with dynamic models on a more dynamic medium. The medium we have described is a dynamic exploration tool. With the tool we have in mind, it is possible to build, explore, and analyze a dynamic model.
Currently we have implemented a very simple prototype of a dynamic exploration tool in CLOS. We are also in the process of implementing a graphical user interface to the tool. We plan to make an additional and improved prototype in order to gain more experience, and in order to test the hypothesis, which have been formulated in this paper.