![]() ![]() ![]() | metaprogramming/iteration/fac-2.cc - The factorial function defined as a function template - using a template int parameter. | Lecture 6 - slide 39 : 40 Program 2 |
// Factorial defined as a function template (4ed page 793). // The input N is a templates parameter. // C++11 #include <iostream> template<int N> constexpr int fac(){ return N * fac<N-1>(); } template<> // A specialization for N = 1 constexpr int fac<1>(){ return 1; } int main(){ using namespace std; // call of fac at compile time: constexpr int res = fac<10>(); static_assert(res==3628800, "Value of fac<10> is incorrect"); cout << "fac(10) = " << res << endl; // fac(10) = 3628800 cout << "fac(5) = " << fac<5>() << endl; // fac(5) = 120 // attempt to call of fac at run time - not possible, however: int i; cout << "Enter i: "; cin >> i; cout << "fac(2*i) " << fac<2*i>() << endl; // Compile time error: // the value of 'i' is not usable in a constant expression }