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The Standard Library and Metaprogramming

6.1   Working with static_assert  

In this program on the accompanying slide the static_assert holds.

In main, enforce a couple of other template instantiations that will cause the static_assert to fail.


Here is an example which will not compile, because of the static_assert fails:

// Illustrates a static_assert on top of the template specialization stuff.
// Compiles, meaning that the static assert holds (in this program at least).

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename S, typename T> class A{               // The primary template class
    int a;
    S s;
    T t;
    A() : a{1}, s{}, t{} {};

template<> class A <int, std::string> {                  // Complete specialization to S = int, T = string
    int a;
    int s;
    std::string t;
    A() : a{2}, s{}, t{}{};

template<typename S, typename T> class A <S*, T*> {      // Partial Specialization to pointers
    int a;
    S s;
    T t;
    A() : a{3}, s{}, t{}{};

    static_assert(!std::is_pointer<S>::value, "S is not (normally) expected to be a pointer type");

template<typename T> class A <T, T> {                    // Partial specialization: T and S are the same types
    int a;
    T s;
    T t;

    A() : a{4}, s{}, t{}{};

int main(){
  A<double,bool> a1;                                     // Use of A<S,T>
  A<int,std::string> a2;                                 // Use of A<int,string>
  A<double*,std::string*> a3;                            // Use of A<T*,S*>
  A<double**,std::string*> a3_1;                         // Use of A<T*,S*>  - causes the static_assert to fail. 
  A<double**,std::string**> a3_2;                        // Use of A<T*,S*>  - causes the static_assert to fail. 
  A<double,double> a4;                                   // Use of A<T,T>

  std::cout << a1.a << std::endl;   // 1
  std::cout << a2.a << std::endl;   // 2
  std::cout << a3.a << std::endl;   // 3
  std::cout << a4.a << std::endl;   // 4


Generated: Tuesday August 1, 2017, 13:32:26