![]() ![]() | pointer-to-member/prog.cc - A program that illustrates pointer to Point member functions. | Lecture 5 - slide 14 : 40 Program 3 |
// Ilustration of pointers to members. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "point.h" // Typedef the Point move signature: typedef void (Point::* Ptr_to_move)(double, double); // Ptr_to_move becomes the name of the function signature: // (double, double) -> void // Special declarator syntax: Class::* pointer to member in Class. void f(int selector, Point *p, Point q){ Ptr_to_move mv; // A variable which can be assigned to a pointer to a member // to a Point move function. // Assign the member pointer mv: switch(selector){ case 1: {mv = &Point::move_relative; break;} // mv becomes a member pointer to move_relative. case 2: {mv = &Point::move_absolute; break;} // mv becomes a member pointer to move_absolute. case 3: {mv = &Point::move_funny; break;} // mv becomes a member pointer to move_funny. } (p->*mv)(1,1); // Call the move function refered from mv on Point pointer p. (q.*mv)(2,2); // Call the move function on q. std::cout << "In f, p: " << *p << std::endl; // (2,3) std::cout << "In f, q: " << q << std::endl; // (5,6) } int main(){ using namespace std; Point p1(1,2), p2(3,4); f(1, &p1, p2); // p1 is moved relatively, because 1 is passed as selector to f. cout << "In main, p1: " << p1 << endl; // (2,3) cout << "In main, p2: " << p2 << endl; // (3,4) - p2 not affected, of course, because it is passed by value. }