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Program 1

// Illustration of pure virtual functions in continuation of 
// the already shown example of virtual functions. Does not compile as shown.
// If red parts are eliminated, the program compiles.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class A {                              // An abstract class
   double a;
  virtual void vf(double d) = 0;                 // A pure virtual function

  void f(double d){                              // Statically bound function f in A
    cout << "f in A" << endl;

class B : public A {                              
  double b;
  void vf(double d) override{                    // Definition of the virtual function 
    cout << "virtual vf in B" << endl;

  void f(double d){                              // Statically bound function f in B.
    cout << "f in B" << endl;

int f1(A a){       // error: cannot declare parameter  a  to be of abstract type  A.
    cout << endl;

int f2(A *ap){
  ap->vf(3.0);     // virtual vf in B
  ap->f(4.0);      // f in A
  cout << endl;

int f3(A &ar){
  ar.vf(5.0);      // virtual vf in B
  ar.f(6.0);       // f in A
  cout << endl;

int main(){
  A a1;            // error: cannot declare variable  a1  to be of abstract type  A.

  B  b1,
    *b2 = new B();

  f1(b1);          // error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'A' (as part of parameter passing)