struct-1.c - C program with a couple of structs. | Lecture 1 - slide 22 : 34 Program 1 |
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct{ char road[15]; int roadNumber; char town[20]; } address; typedef struct{ int idNumber; char firstName[10], lastName[20]; address location; } person; void print_person(const person p){ printf("%s %s\n%s %-4d\n%s\n\n", p.firstName, p.lastName, p.location.road, p.location.roadNumber,; } int main(void) { person morten = {190583, /* Initializer */ "Morten", "Madsen", /* and only that... */ {"Bredgade", 23, "Middelfart"} }; print_person(morten); printf("Size of morten: %d bytes =" "size of person type: %d\n\n", sizeof morten, sizeof(person)); /* 76 bytes */ return 0; }