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Program 2

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::cout; using std::endl;

void print_vector(string name, vector<string> &sv){
   cout << name << ":" << endl;
   for (vector<string>::iterator iter = sv.begin();
       iter != sv.end();
     cout << "  " << (*iter) << endl;
   cout << endl;

int main(){
  // Vector constructing:
     sv1,                // An empty vector of strings
     sv2(10),            // A vector of 10 empty strings
     sv3(5, "AP"),       // A vector of 5 strings each "AP"
     sv4(4, "KN"),       // A vector of 4 strings each "KN"
     sv5(sv3.begin(), sv3.begin() + 3);
                         // A vector copied from front of sv3

  // Change every second element of sv3 to "PA":
  for (vector<string>::iterator iter = sv3.begin();
       iter < sv3.end();
       iter += 2){
    (*iter) = "PA";

  print_vector("sv3", sv3);

  // Insert 3 elements from sv4 near the end of sv3:
  sv3.insert(sv3.end()-1, sv4.begin(), sv4.begin()+3);

  print_vector("sv3", sv3);

  print_vector("sv4", sv4);   print_vector("sv5", sv5);

  // Lexicograhpic comparison between sw4 and sw5:
  if (sv4 == sv5)
    cout << "sv4 is equal to sv5" << endl;
  else if (sv4 < sv5)
    cout << "sv4 is less than sv5" << endl;
    cout << "sv4 is greater than sv5" << endl;