![]() ![]() ![]() | references/ref-basic-2.cc - No operator operates on a reference as such. | Lecture 2 - slide 15 : 29 Program 2 |
// Illustrate references vs. pointers. // Example similar to the function g on page 98 in 'The C++ Programming Language' (3ed) // and on page 190 in 'The C++ Programming Language' (4ed). // The morale is that ++ applied on a pointer does pointer arithmetic. // ++ applied on a reference does not affect the reference as such. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void g(){ // HERE WE ILLUSTRATE REFERENCES: int ii = 0; int& rr = ii; // rr is a reference to ii - an alias to ii rr++; // ii is incremented. // The reference is NOT incremented itself. cout << ii << endl; // 1 cout << rr << endl; // 1 // HERE WE DO SIMILAR THINGS WITH POINTERS: int* pp = &rr; // pp is really the address of ii (via rr) - a pointer to ii. // NOT a pointer to a reference! (*pp)++; // ii is incremented again, pp++; // The pointer as such is incremented - pointer arithmetic. // Not good... cout << ii << endl; // 2 cout << *pp << endl; // 2673944 pp--; // Better revert to the original value cout << *pp << endl; // Still 2. No harm has been done. } int main(){ g(); }