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Program 3

// When is the destructor called - and for which objects?  

#include <iostream>
#include "point.h"

using namespace std;

int f(){

  Point p, q,                         // The default constructor is used for both p and q  
        r(11.0, 12.0),                // Point(double,double) used
        s(p),                         // The copy constructor used
        t(3.0),                       // Point(double) used
        u = t,                        // Another way to use the copy constructor, via initializer
        ap[10],                       // The default constructor used 10 times
        *ps = new Point(1.0, 2.0);    // A dynamically allocated point accessed by a pointer.

  q = r;                              // default assignment - bit-wise copying, no use of copy constructor

  cout << "Point p: " << p << endl;   // (0,7)
  cout << "Point q: " << q << endl;   // (11,12)
  cout << "Point r: " << r << endl;   // (11,12)
  cout << "Point s: " << s << endl;   // (1,9)
  cout << "Point t: " << t << endl;   // (3,20)
  cout << "Point u: " << u << endl;   // (4,22)

  for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)         // (0,7) ten times
     cout << "ap[" << i << 
     "]: " << ap[i] << endl;  

  cout << "*ps: " << *ps << endl;     // (1,2)

  // The Point destructor is called 16 times on exist from f.
  // *ps is NOT destructed. delete ps would destruct it.

int main(){