In 2023 I successfully completed the University Pedagogy course at Aalborg University. You can find my report here:
I have been a teacher at the following courses.
I have been a teaching assistant at the following courses.
Supervisory Control, 2017 – 2019, TU/e
Model-based Systems Engineering, 2016 – 2019, TU/e
Engineering Optimization, 2016, TU/e
I have been Problem Based Learning (PBL) supervisor for the following groups.
CS-24-SW6-02, ongoing, 2024, AAU
CS-24-SW6-27, ongoing, 2024, AAU
CS-23-SW4-10, Card Game Language – Unlocking Creativity and Efficiency in Card Game Design, 2023, AAU
CS-22-SW5-13, Frontend Implementation of Simulation and Reachability – A Contribution to the ECDAR Project, 2022, AAU
CS-22-SW5-15, Implementing Clock Reduction in ECDAR Reveaal, 2022, AAU
CS-22-SW5-17, Reachability Queries in Reveaal for ECDAR – An Agile Development of Reachability Queries for Timed Input Output Automata, 2022, AAU
CS-21-SW3-14, NAVIGATOR App – Remote controlling IoT devices, 2021, AAU
I have supervised the following Master thesis students.
Koen van Eldik, A supervisory controller for a storm surge barrier, 2021, TU/e
Michel Lammers, Feature diagram construction of a product family of locks, 2019, TU/e
Lars Moormann, Supervisory control synthesis for tunnels: The KWA tunnel case, 2018, TU/e
Bart Vercoulen, Discrete event-based identification for infrastructural systems, 2018, TU/e
Tim Josten, Dependency Structure Matrix based analysis of the operation, control, and monitoring components of the Wantij bridge, 2017, TU/e
Ferdie Reijnen, Supervisory control for lock systems, 2016, TU/e
I have supervised the following Bachelor thesis students.
Dino Verhoef, Process mining for supervisory control: Finding tooling for conformance checking of automata models and logging files, 2018, TU/e
Siebrand Keja, Analysis of a supervisory control system for tunnels, 2018, TU/e
Calvin Dingemans, Extending modular structures for waterway locks supervisory controller design with bus modules, 2017, TU/e
Jesper Hegeman, Physical model of a lock, 2017, TU/e
Jeroen Verbakel, Behavioral model of two locks, 2017, TU/e
Ties Hoenselaar, Conditie-gebaseerd onderhoud voor sluizen, 2016, TU/e
Alex Ummelen, Simulation Based Visualisation of a Simple Waterway Lock, 2016, TU/e
Pieter de Groot, Demonstration of model-based supervisory control design, 2016, TU/e