Jan Stage
D-1 |
Stage, J. (1989) Between Tradition and
Transcendence. Analysis
and Design in System Development (In Danish: Mellem
tradition og nyskabelse. Analyse og design i systemudvikling). Aalborg
University: Institute for Electronic Systems, R 89-7. (Ph.D. Dissertation) |
B-6 |
L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and Stage, J. (2001). Object-Oriented
Analysis and Design (In Danish: Objektorienteret analyse og design).
Aalborg: Marko. |
B-5 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (2000) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Aalborg: Marko. |
B-4 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1998). Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (In Swedish: Objektorienterad analys och design). Lund: Studentlitteratur. Second
edition (2000). |
B-3 |
L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and Stage, J. (1997). Object-Oriented
Analysis and Design (In Danish: Objektorienteret analyse og design). Aalborg:
Marko. |
B-2 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1995). Object-Oriented Design (In Danish: Objektorienteret
design). Aalborg:
Marko. |
B-1 |
L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and Stage, J. (1993). Object-Oriented
Analysis (In Danish: Objektorienteret analyse). Aalborg: Marko. |
J-17 |
J. and Stage J. (2012) Combining Ethnography and Object-Orientation for
Mobile Interaction Design: Contextual Richness and Abstract Models. International Journal of Human-Computer
Studies, 70(3):197-217. |
J-16 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2012)
Training Software Developers and Designers to Conduct Usability Evaluations. Behaviour and Information Technology, 31(4):425-435. |
J-15 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2010) A
Longitudinal Study of Usability in Health Care: Does Time Heal? International
Journal of Medical Informatics, 79(6):135-143. |
J-14 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2009) A Conceptual Tool for Usability Problem
Identification in Website Development. International Journal of Information Technology and Web
4(4):22-35. |
J-13 |
Kjeldskov, J. and Stage, J. (2008) Interaction Styles in Tools for Developing
Virtual Environments. Virtual
12(3):137-150. |
J-12 |
Andreasen, M. S., Nielsen, H. V., Schrøder, S. O. and
Stage, J. (2006) Usability in Open Source Software Development: Opinions and
Practice. Information
Technology and Control,
35A(3):303-312. |
J-11 |
Hornbæk, K. and Stage, J. (2006) The Interplay Between Usability Evaluation
and User Interaction Design. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 21(2):117-124. |
J-10 |
Høegh, R. T., Nielsen, C. M., Overgaard, M., Pedersen, M. B. and Stage, J. (2006) The Impact of Usability Reports and User Test Observations on Developers’ Understanding of Usability Data: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 21(2):173-196. |
J-9 |
Kjeldskov, J. and Stage, J. (2006) Exploring "Canned Communication"
for Coordinating Distributed Mobile Work Activities. Interacting with Computers, 18(6):1310-1335. |
J-8 |
Kjeldskov, J. and Stage, J. (2004). New Techniques for Usability Evaluation of
Mobile Systems. International
Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 60(4-5):599-620. |
J-7 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2002). Designing Interactive Narrative Systems:
Is Object-Orientation Useful? Computers & Graphics, 26(1):57-66. |
J-6 |
Stage, J. (2002) Interface design – University
briefs: Aalborg University. interactions,
9(2):25-28. |
J-5 |
Mathiassen, L. and Stage, J. (1999) Informatics as a Multi-Disciplinary
Education. Scandinavian
Journal of Information Systems, 11(1):13-22. |
J-4 |
Eriksen, L. B. and Stage, J. (1998) A Qualitative Empirical Study of CASE
Tool Support to Method Learning. Information and Software Technology, 40(5-6):339-345. |
J-3 |
Baskerville, R. L. and Stage, J. (1996) Controlling
Prototype Development Through Risk Management. Management Information
Systems Quarterly, 20(4):481-504. |
J-2 |
Mathiassen, L., Seewaldt, T. and Stage, J. (1995)
Prototyping and Specifying: Principles and Practices of a Mixed Approach. Scandinavian Journal of
Information Systems,
7(1):55-72. |
J-1 |
Mathiassen, L. and Stage, J. (1992) The Principle of Limited Reduction in
Software Design. Information
Technology & People,
6(2-3):171-185. |
C-57 |
A. and Stage, J. (2012) The Effect of Task Assignments and
Instruction Types on Remote Asynchronous Usability Testing. Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2012
(CHI 2012), pp. 2117-2126.
New York: ACM Press. |
C-56 |
Bruun, A. and Stage, J. (2011) Training Software Development Practitioners
in Usability Evaluations: An Exploratory Study of Cross Pollination. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on
Software and Usability Engineering Cross-Pollination: Patterns, Usability and
User Experience (PUX 2011), pp. 17-26. CEUR. |
C-55 |
Ardito C., Buono P., Caivano
D., Costabile M.F., Lanzilotti
R, Bruun, A. and Stage, J. (2011) Usability
Evaluation: A Survey of Software Development Organizations. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference
on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011), pp.
282-287. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School. |
C-54 |
Stage, J. (2011) Evaluating the Usability of Data
Entry Web Pages for E-Government Sites. Proceedings
of the First European Workshop on HCI Design and Evaluation. TwinTide. |
C-53 |
Bruun, A. and Stage, J. (2010) Usability Problems in a Home Telemedicine
System. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health
Informatics. INSTICC Press. |
C-52 |
Dolog, P., Thomsen, L. L., Thomsen, B. and Stage, J. (2010) Competence
Centered Specialization in Web Engineering Topics in a Software Engineering Masters Degree Programme. Proceedings
of the 1st Educators' Day on Web Engineering Curricula (WECU 2010). Available online as CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, Vol. 607, ISSN 1613-0073. |
C-51 |
Koester, T., Hyll, N. and
Stage, J. (2009) Distributed Cognition in Ship Navigation and Prevention of
Collision. Proceedings of European Conference on Cognitive
Ergonomics 2009 (ECCE 2009). |
C-50 |
Koester, T., Hyll, N. and
Stage, J. (2009) Improving Safety Through the Design of a New Function:
Design Process Findings and Post-Release Analyses. Proceedings of European
Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2009 (ECCE 2009). |
C-49 |
J. O., Nguyen, K., Risgaard, P. and Stage, J.
(2009) Bringing Usability Evaluation into Practice: Field Studies in Two
Software Organizations. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop
on the Interplay between Usability Evaluation and Software Development
(I-USED 2009). |
C-48 |
Nielsen, P. A. and Stage, J. (2009) Modelling of Context: Designing Mobile Systems from
Domain-Dependent Models. Proceedings of the 32nd Information Systems
Research Seminar in Scandinavia. Molde. |
C-47 |
Kanstrup, A. M. and Stage, J. (2009) From Paper to PDA: Design and Evaluation
of a Clinical Ward Instruction on a Mobile Device. Proceedings of the 12th
IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interact
2009). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5727, pp. 670-683. Berlin:
Springer-Verlag. |
C-46 |
Bruun, A., Gull, P., Hofmeister, L. and Stage, J.
(2009) Let Your Users Do the Testing: A Comparison of Three
Remote Asynchronous Usability Testing Methods. Proceedings of
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2009 (CHI 2009), pp. 1619-1628. New York: ACM Press. |
C-45 |
J. O., Nguyen, K., Risgaard, P. and Stage, J.
(2008) Obstacles to Usability Evaluation in Practice: A Survey of Software
Organizations. Proceedings of NordiCHI 2008. |
C-44 |
Skov, M. and Stage, J. (2008) Direct Integration: Training Software
Developers to Conduct Usability Evaluations. Abrahao,
S. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of International Workshop on the
Interplay between Usability Evaluation and Software Development (I-USED 2008). |
C-43 |
Kjærulff, U. B., Rosenstand, C. A. F., Stage, J. and Vetner, M. (2008) Case-Based Learning (CBL). A New Pedagogical Approach to Multidisciplinary Studies. Fink, F. (Ed.), SEFI 2008. 36th Annual Conference. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam. |
C-42 |
Andreasen, M. S., Nielsen, H. V., Schrøder, S. O. and
Stage, J. (2007) What Happened to Remote Usability Testing? An Empirical
Study of Three Methods. Begole, B. et al.
(Eds.), Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
2007 (CHI 2007), pp. 1405-1414. New York: ACM Press. |
C-41 |
Dolog P. and Stage, J. (2007) Designing Interaction Spaces for Rich
Internet Applications. Baresi, L. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on
Web Engineering 2007 (ICWE 2007). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.
4607, pp. 358-363. Berlin: Springer Verlag. |
C-40 |
Hornbæk, K., Høegh, R. T., Pedersen, M. B. and
Stage, J. (2007) Use Case Evaluation (UCE): A Method for Early Usability
Evaluation in Software Development. Baranauskas, C.
et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th
IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interact
2007). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4662, pp. 578-591. Berlin:
Springer-Verlag. |
C-39 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2007) A
Longitudinal Study of Usability in Health Care - Does Time Heal? Proceedings
of Third International Conference on Information Technology in Health Care:
Socio-technical Approaches (ITHC 2007), pp. 181-192. IOS Press. |
C-38 |
J., Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2007) Instant Data
Analysis (IDA). Scapin, D. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Mause
International Workshop on Review, Report and Refine Usability Evaluation
Methods (R3-UEMs), pp. 89-92. Cost 294. |
C-37 |
Kjeldskov, J., Nielsen, C. M., Overgaard, M., Pedersen, M. B., Stage, J. and Stenild, S. (2006) Designing a Mobile Communicator:
Combining Ethnography and Object-Oriented Design. Proceedings of the
Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2006 (OzCHI’06), pp.
95-103. ACM
Press. |
C-36 |
Kjeldskov J. and Stage J. (2006) Making Conversations Persistent Through
Computer Mediation: Coordination in a Safety-Critical Domain. Proceedings
of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,
Vol. 03, pp. 57.3. IEEE
Computer Society. |
C-35 |
Nielsen, C. M., Overgaard, M., Pedersen, M. B.,
Stage, J. and Stenild, S. (2006) It’s
Worth the Hassle! The Added Value of Evaluating the Usability of Mobile
Systems in the Field. Proceedings of NordiCHI 2006. |
C-34 |
Nielsen, C. M., Overgaard, M., Pedersen, M. B.,
Stage, J. and Stenild, S. (2006) Exploring
Interaction Space as Abstraction Mechanism for Task-Based User Interface
Design. Proceedings of TAMODIA 06. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. |
C-33 |
Stage, J, (2006) Defining and Measuring User
Experience: Are They Two Sides of the Same Coin? Proceedings of the Workshop on User Experience, NordiCHI 2006. |
C-32 |
Nielsen, C. M., Overgaard, M., Pedersen, M. B. and
Stage, J. (2005) Feedback from Usability Evaluation to User Interface Design:
Are Usability Reports Any Good? Proceedings of the 10th IFIP TC13
International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interact 2005). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. |
C-31 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage, J. (2005) Does
Time Heal? A Longitudinal Study of Usability. Proceedings of the
Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2005 (OzCHI’05), ACM
Press. |
C-30 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2005) Supporting Problem Identification in
Usability Evaluations. Proceedings of the Australian Computer-Human
Interaction Conference 2005 (OzCHI’05), ACM Pres. |
C-29 |
Hornbæk, K. and Stage, J. (2004) Improving the Interplay between Usability
Evaluation and User Interface Design. K. Hornbæk
and J. Stage (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Improving the
Interplay between Usability Evaluation and User Interface Design, NordiCHI 2004, pp. 1-4. Aalborg University,
Department of Computer Science, HCI-Lab Report no. 2004/2. |
C-28 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2004)
Instant Data Analysis: Evaluating Usability in a Day. Proceedings of NordiCHI
2004, pp. 233-240. ACM. |
C-27 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2004) Integrating Usability Design and
Evaluation: Training Novice Evaluators in Usability Testing. K. Hornbæk and J. Stage (Eds.), Proceedings of the
Workshop on Improving the Interplay between Usability Evaluation and User
Interface Design, NordiCHI 2004, pp. 31-35.
Aalborg University, Department of Computer Science, HCI-Lab Report no.
2004/2. |
C-26 |
Beck, E., Christiansen, M., Kjeldskov,
J. Kolbe, N. and Stage, J. (2003) Experimental Evaluation of Techniques for
Usability Testing of Mobile Systems in a Laboratory Setting. Proceedings of OzCHI
2003 Conference . |
C-25 |
Kjeldskov, J. and Stage, J. (2003) The Process of Developing a Mobile Device
for Communication in a Safety-Critical Domain. Proceedings of the 9th IFIP
TC13 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Interact 2003 . |
C-24 |
Kjeldskov, J. and Stage, J. (2003) Designing the Handheld Maritime Communicator.
Proceedings of the First Conference on Designing User Experiences, DUX 2003 . ACM. |
C-23 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2003) Supporting Novices in Detecting Web Site
Usability Problems: A Comparison of the Think-Aloud and Questionnaire Methods.
Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction . London: Lawrence-Erlbaum. |
C-22 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2003) Enhancing Usability Testing Skills of
Novice Testers: A Longitudinal Study. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on
Universal Access in Computer-Human Interaction . London: Lawrence-Erlbaum. |
C-21 |
Kjeldskov, J. and Stage, J. (2002) Designing the User Interface of a Handheld
Device for Communication in a High-Risk Environment. Proceedings of ERCIM'02 . Paris. |
C-20 |
Baskerville, R. L. and Stage, J. (2001)
Accommodating Emergent Work Practices: Ethnographic Choice of Method
Fragments. B. Fitzgerald et al. (Eds.), Realigning Research and
Practice in IS Development: The Social and Organisational
Perspective ,
pp. 11-28. Boston:
Kluwer. |
C-19 |
Kjeldskov, J. and Stage, J. (2001) Interaction Styles in Tools for Developing
Virtual Reality Applications. N. Avouris et al.
(Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction Research and Practice , pp. 165-170. Patras: Typorama. |
C-18 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2001) A Simple Approach to Web-Site Usability
Testing. C. Stephanidis (Ed.), Universal Access
in HCI. Towards an Information Society for All, pp. 737-741. London: Lawrence Erlbaum. |
C-17 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2001) Experimental Evaluation of an
Object-Oriented Modeling Method: Designing a Multimedia System. J. Krogstie et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the
Sixth CAiSE/IFIP8.1 International Workshop on
Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design, pp. XVIII-1 - XVIII-12. |
C-16 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2001) Detection of Web-Site Usability Problems:
Empirical Comparison of Two Testing Methods. N. Avouris
et al. (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction Research and Practice pp,. 146-150. Patras: Typorama. |
C-15 |
Baskerville, R. L. and Stage, J. (2000) Discources on the Interaction of Information Systems,
Organizations, and Society: Reformation and Transformation. R. L. Baskerville
et al. (Eds.), Organizational and Social Perspectives on
Information Technology, pp. 1-12. Boston: Kluwer. |
C-14 |
Eriksen, L. B., Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2000)
Multimedia Systems Development Methodologies: Experiences and Requirement. Narrative and Interactive Learning
, pp. 75-82. Leeds University. |
C-13 |
Eriksen, L. B. and Stage, J. (1997) Do CASE Tools Support Method Learning? N.
Jayaratna et al. (Eds.), Training and
Education of Methodology Practioners and Researchers ,
pp. 159-169. London:
Springer-Verlag. |
C-12 |
Eriksen, L. B. and Stage, J. (1996) Applying CASE Tools to Support Method
Learning. B. Dahlbom et al. (Eds.), Report
of the 19th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Part II,
pp. 843-857. Gothenburg University: Department of
Informatics, Report 8. |
C-11 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1996) Method Engineering: Who's the Customer? S. Brinkkemper et al. (Eds.), Method Engineering.
Principles of Method Construction and Tool Support, pp. 232-245. London: Chapman & Hall. |
C-10 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1996) Method Engineering: Who's the Customer? B. Dahlbom et al. (Eds.), Report of the 19th
Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Part II, pp.
693-705. Gothenburg University:
Department of Informatics, Report 8. |
C-9 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (1996) Object-Oriented Design of Process
Architecture: An Exploratory Study. B. Dahlbom et
al. (Eds.), Report of the 19th Information Systems Research Seminar in
Scandinavia, Part II, pp. 975-1000. Gothenburg University:
Department of Informatics, Report 8. |
C-8 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1994) Modelling Events in
Object-Oriented Analysis. D. Patel et al . (Eds.), Proceedings of the
International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems, pp.
88-104. Berlin:
Springer-Verlag. |
C-7 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1994) Combining two Approaches to Object-Oriented Analysis. E. Bertino et al . (Eds.), Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Object-Oriented Methodologies and Systems, pp. 158-170. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. |
C-6 |
Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1994) The Software Designer: Skills and Change. P. Kerola et al. (Eds.), Report of the 17th
Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Part II, pp.
799-813. University of Oulu:
Department of Information Processing Science. |
C-5 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1991) Soft Systems in Software Design. M. C. Jackson et al.
(Eds.), Systems Thinking in Europe, pp. 311-317. New York: Plenum Press. |
C-4 |
Stage, J. (1991) The Use of Descriptions in Analysis
and Design of Information Systems. R. K. Stamper et al. (Eds.), Collaborative
Work, Social Communications, and Information Systems, pp. 237-260. Amsterdam: North-Holland. |
C-3 |
Mathiassen, L. and Stage, J. (1990) Complexity and Uncertainty in Software
Design. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer
Systems and Software Engineering, pp. 482-489. Washington, DC: IEEE
Computer Society Press. |
C-2 |
Stage, J. (1986) Evaluation of System Development
Methods. Approaching a Conceptual Framework. K. Fuchs-Kittowski
et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the IFIP TC/WG 9.1 Conference on
System Design for Human Development and Productivity: Participation and
Beyond, pp. 249-262. Amsterdam:
North-Holland. |
C-1 |
Stage, J. and Vendelbo, P.
(1985) Describing Organizations as Objects or Flows. A Comparative Evaluation
Based on Experience Gained from Applications. Precedings
of the Working Conference on Development and Use of Computer-Based Systems
and Tools, Part II, pp. 521-544. Århus University: Computer
Science Department. |
BC-12 |
Bruun, A. and Stage, J. (2010) Evaluating the Usability of Home Healthcare
Applications. Röcker, C. and Ziefle,
M. (Eds.), Human Centered Design of E-Health
Technologies. IGI
Global. |
BC-11 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2010) Supporting Web Developers in Evaluating
Usability and Identifying Usability Problems. Spiliotopoulos, T. et al. (Eds.), Integrating Usability Engineering for Designing the Web Experience:
Methodologies and Principles. IGI Global. |
BC-10 |
Nielsen, P. A. and Stage, J. (2009) Designing Mobile Systems from Domain-Dependent
Models. Molka-Danielsen, J. et
al. (Eds.), Selected Papers of the 32nd IRIS
Seminar. Oslo: Tapir. |
BC-9 |
Høegh, R. T., Kjeldskov, J., Skov,
M. B. and Stage, J. (2008) A Field Laboratory for Evaluating In Situ. J. Lumsden (Ed.), Handbook of Research on User Interface
Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology. IGI Global. |
BC-8 |
Baskerville, R. L. and Stage, J. (2004) Prototyping.
Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 582-586. Great Barrington,
Massachusetts: Berkshire. |
BC-7 |
Baskerville, R. L. and Stage, J. (2004) Iterative
Design. Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, pp.
397-400. Great
Barrington, Massachusetts: Berkshire. |
BC-6 |
Stage, J. (2004) Education in HCI. Berkshire
Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 198-202. Great Barrington,
Massachusetts: Berkshire. |
BC-5 |
Kjeldskov, J. and Stage, J. (2003) Interaction Styles in Development Tools
for Virtual Reality Applications. K. H. Madsen (Ed.),
Production Methods: Behind the Scenes of Virtual Inhabited
3D Worlds, pp. 18-38. London:
Springer-Verlag. |
BC-4 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2001) Using Software Engineering Approaches to
Model Dynamics in Interactive Software Systems. L. Qvortrup
(Ed.), Virtual Interaction: Interaction in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds,
pp. 404-421. London:
Springer-Verlag. |
BC-3 |
Mathiassen, L. and Stage, J. (1999) Informatics as a Multi-Disciplinary
Education. F. Ljungberg (Ed.), Informatics in
the Next Millennium, pp. 45-57. Lund: Studentlitteratur. |
BC-2 |
Mathiassen, L., Seewaldt, T. and Stage, J. (1994)
Prototyping and Specifying: Principles and Practices of a Mixed Approach. J.
Stage et al. (Eds.), Quality Software: Concepts and Tools, pp.
19-40. Aalborg
University: Institute for
Electronic Systems. |
BC-1 |
Stage, J. (1990) Analysing
Organizations in System Development. G. Bjerknes, et
al. (Eds.), Organizational Competence in System Development. A Scandinavian Contribution, pp. 85-105. Lund: Studentlitteratur. |
D-17 |
Bruun, A., Jensen, J. J., Skov, M. B. and Stage,
J. (2010) Usability Evaluation of Dafolo's
Electronic Form for Building Applications and the Dialogue-Based process for
Building Applications (in Danish). Aalborg University: Department
of Computer Science. |
D-16 |
Bruun, A., Jensen, J. J., Skov, M. B. and Stage,
J. (2009) Usability Evaluation of Dafolo's Electronic
Form for Building Application (in Danish). Aalborg University: Department
of Computer Science. |
D-15 |
Bruun, A., Jensen, J. J., Skov, M. B. and Stage,
J. (2009) Usability Evaluation of www.budget.com. Aalborg University: Department of
Computer Science. |
D-14 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage J. (2008) The
Usability Laboratory at Cassiopeia. Aalborg University: Department
of Computer Science. |
D-13 |
Kanstrup, A. M., Boye, N., Bertelsen, P., Christiansen, E., Nøhr, C. and Stage, J. (2007) Mobile
e-Learning for Young Physicians. Experiences from the MINI Project. Aalborg University: Virtual Centre for Health Informatics. |
D-12 |
Hofmeister, L., Risgaard, P. and Stage, J. (2007) Usability Evaluation and Development of Redesigns for the PDAs in the
MINI Project on the Regional Hospital in Randers. Aalborg University:
Department of Computer Science. |
D-11 |
J., Bruun, A., Gull, P., Hofmeister,
L., Nguyen, K., Risgaard, P. and Stage, J. (2006) Usability
Evaluation of RTX Healthcare's Patient System DLM112RTX (in Danish). Aalborg University:
Department of Computer Science. |
D-10 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage J. (2003) Usability
Evaluation of B-Data's Booking System (in Danish) . Aalborg University: Department
of Computer Science. |
D-9 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage J. (2003) Usability
Evaluation of Electronic Patient Journal IBM IPJ 2.3 - After One Year of Use
(in Danish) .
Aalborg University: Department of Computer Science. |
D-8 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage J. (2003) Usability
Evaluation of DIASnet (in Danish) . Aalborg University: Department
of Computer Science. |
D-7 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage J. (2002) Usability
Evaluation of Electronic Patient Journal IBM IPJ 2.3 (in Danish) . Aalborg University:
Department of Computer Science. |
D-6 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B., and Stage J. (2002) Usability
Evaluation of the WAP Service AutoLocate (in Danish) . Aalborg University:
Department of Computer Science. |
D-5 |
Stage, J. (1999) Object-Oriented
Multimedia System Development: Documentation. Available through WWW site
http://www.cs.auc.dk/~jans/matchrace |
D-4 |
Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (1996) Process Architecture Study:
Documentation. Available through WWW site
http://www.cs.auc.dk/~jans/procarch/ |
D-3 |
Baskerville, R. L. and Stage, J. (1991) Developing
the Prototype Approach in Rapid Systems Modelling . Aalborg
University: Institute for
Electronic Systems, R 91-35. |
D-2 |
Stage, J. (1990) Design and Implementation Based
on a Generic Structure for Computer Systems. Diary from a System Development
Experiment (In Danish: Design og implementation
baseret på en generel grundstruktur for edb-systemer. Dagbog fra et systemudviklingseksperiment) . Aalborg University:
Institute for Electronic Systems, R 90-20. |
D-1 |
Stage, J. (1984) System Description. Elements of
a Theoretical Conception and Proposals for a Method (In Danish: Systembeskrivelse. Ansats til en teoretisk forståelse og oplæg til en
Aalborg University: Institute for Electronic Systems. |
E-13 |
Abrahão, S., Juristo, N., Law, E. L.-C. and Stage, J., Editors (2010) Special Issue on: Interplay
between Usability Evaluation and Software Development. The Journal of Systems and
83(11). |
E-12 |
Law, E. L.-C., Abrahão, S.
and Stage, J., Editors (2010). Proceedings of the First International
Workshop on the Interplay between User Experience and Software Development
(I-UxSED 2010). Available online as CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, Vol. 656, ISSN 1613-0073. |
E-11 |
Abrahão, S., Hornbaek, K., Law, E. L.-C. and Stage, J., Editors (2009). Proceedings of the Second
International Workshop on: The Interplay between Usability Evaluation and
Software Development (I-USED 2009). Printed by University of Leicester.
Available online as CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 490, ISSN 1613-0073. |
E-10 |
Jensen, J. J., Jensen, K. L., Kanstrup, A. M., Larsen, L. B., Nyvang, T. and Stage, J., Editors (2008). Proceedings of the Eighth Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium. Aalborg University. 2008. |
E-9 |
Abrahão, S., Law, E. L.-C., Stage, J. and Hornbaek,
K. and Juristo, N., Editors (2008). Proceedings
of the International Workshop on: Interplay between Usability Evaluation and
Software Development (I-USED 2008). Printed by University of Leicester.
Available online as CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 407, ISSN 1613-0073. |
E-8 |
Hornbæk, K. and Stage, J., Editors (2006) Special Issue on: The Interplay
between Usability Evaluation and User Interface Design. International Journal of
Human-Computer Interaction, 21(2). |
E-7 |
Hornbæk, K. and Stage, J., Editors (2004) Proceedings of the Workshop on
Improving the Interplay between Usability Evaluation and User Interface
Design, NordiCHI 2004. Aalborg University,
Department of Computer Science, HCI-Lab Report no. 2004/2. |
E-6 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B. and Stage, J., Editors
(2004) Proceedings of the Fourth Danish Human-Computer Interaction
Research Symposium .
Aalborg University, Department of Computer Science, HCI-Lab Technical Report
no. 2004/1. |
E-5 |
Baskerville, R. L. and Stage, J., Editors (2000) Organizational
and Social Perspectives on Information Technology. Boston: Kluwer. |
E-4 |
Dahlbom, B., Ljungberg, F., Nuldén,
U., Simon, K., Stage, J. and Sørensen, C., Editors
(1996) Report of the 19th Information Systems Research Seminar in
Scandinavia. Gothenburg University: Studies in
Informatics, Report 8. |
E-3 |
Dahlbom, B., Kämmerer, F., Ljungberg,
F., Stage, J. and Sørensen, C., Editors (1995) Report
of the 18th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia. Gothenburg University:
Studies in Informatics, Report 7. |
E-2 |
Stage, J., Nørmark, K. and
Larsen, K. G., Editors (1994) Quality Software: Concepts and Tools. Aalborg University:
Institute for Electronic Systems. |
E-1 |
Bjerknes, G., Dahlbom, B., Mathiassen,
L., Nurminen, M., Stage, J., Thoresen,
K., Vendelbo, P. and Aaen,
I., Editors (1990) Organizational Competence in System Development. A Scandinavian Contribution. Lund: Studentlitteratur. |
O-18 |
J., Skov, M.B., Paay, J.
and Stage, J. (2011) Blending Social Spaces: Information Technologies that
Facilitate Social Cooking and Eating at Home. Proceedings of LMC Congress 2011, Food in Front.
LMC. |
O-17 |
Bruun, A., Jensen, J. J., Skov, M. B. and Stage,
J. (2009) Participating in CUE-8, Comparative Usability Evaluation. Proceedings
of the Ninth Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium, pp.
xxx. Århus University, Computer Science Department. |
O-16 |
Jensen, J. J., Skov, M. B.
and Stage, J. (2009) The WPU Project: Web Portal Usability. ERCIM News, 78:46. |
O-15 |
Jensen, J. J., Skov, M. B.
and Stage, J. (2008) The WPU Project: Web Portal Usability. Proceedings of
the Eigth Danish Human-Computer Interaction
Research Symposium, Aalborg University. |
O-14 |
Frøkjær, E., Hornbæk, K. Høegh,
R. T., Jensen, J. J., Nørgaard, M., Skov, M. B., and Stage, J., Uldall-Espersen,
T. (2006) The USE Project: Experience with Usability Evaluation Techniques in
Software Development Organizations. Proceedings of the Sixth Danish
Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium, pp. 110-114. Århus University,
Computer Science Department. |
O-13 |
B. S., Frøkjær, E., Hornbæk,
K. Høegh, R. T., Jensen, J. J., Nørgaard,
M., Skov, M. B., and Stage, J., Uldall-Espersen,
T. (2005) The USE Project: Bridging the Gap between Usability Evaluation and
Software Development. Proceedings of the Fifth Danish Human-Computer
Interaction Research Symposium, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, pp.
110-114. |
O-12 |
Høegh, R. T. and Stage, J. (2004) Examining the Use of Usability Results in
a Software Development Company. J. Kjeldskov et
al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Danish Human-Computer
Interaction Research Symposium, pp. 41-44. Aalborg University, Department
of Computer Science, HCI-Lab Report no. 2004/1. |
O-11 |
J., Skov, M. B. and Stage. J. (2004) Evaluating IT Systems for the Healthcare Domain: Longitudinal
Usability Studies and Rapid Analysis Techniques. J. Kjeldskov
et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth Danish Human-Computer
Interaction Research Symposium, pp. 9-12. Aalborg University, Department
of Computer Science, HCI-Lab Report no. 2004/1. |
O-10 |
B. S., Høegh, R. T., Kjeldskov,
J., Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2003) Comparing
Usability Evaluations of Mobile Systems. Proceedings of the 3rd Danish
Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium. Roskilde University, Denmark. |
O-9 |
Kjeldskov, J., Skov, M. B. and Stage, J. (2001) Work
Practices for Usability Testing of Computerized Systems and Mobile
Devices. Proceedings of the First Danish Human-Computer Interaction
Research Symposium, pp. 45-46. Århus University, Computer
Science Department. |
O-8 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1992) Modelling Events in
Object-Oriented Analysis. G. Bjerknes et al . (Eds.), Report
of the 15th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia , Part II, pp. 742-757. University of Oslo: Department of
Informatics. |
O-7 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1991) Rapid Systems Modelling: The Soul
of a New Methodology. In: O. Forsgren et al.
(Eds.), Report of the 14th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia,
Part II, pp. 742-757. University of Umeå. |
O-6 |
Mathiassen, L., Seewaldt, T. and Stage, J. (1990) An
Experimental Evaluation of Approaches to Complexity and Uncertainty.
In: R. Hellman et al. (Eds.), Report of the 13th Information
Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia Par,t I, pp. 285-298. Åbo Akademi University: Computer Science and Mathematics,
Ser. A, No. 107. |
O-5 |
Mathiassen, L. and Stage, J. (1989) The Principle of Limited Reduction. A Theory
of Information System Development. In: S. Bødker
(Ed.), Report of the 12th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia ,
Part II, pp. 407-419. Århus
University: Computer Science Department, PB-296. |
O-4 |
Stage, J. (1988) Technical Design of Information
Systems Based on Organizational Knowledge. A Case Study. In: J. Kaasbøll (Ed.), Report of the 11th Information Systems
Research Seminar in Scandinavia , Part II, pp. 536-552. University of Oslo: Institute of Informatics, Research Report No. 116. |
O-3 |
Bjerknes, G., Bratteteig, T. and Stage, J. (1987)
Analytical and Interpretational Perspectives in System Development. In: P. Järvinen (Ed.), Report of the 10th Information Systems
Research Seminar in Scandinavia Pa,rt I, pp. 43-60. University of Tampere,
Ser. B, Vol. 27. |
O-2 |
Stage, J. (1986) Analysis in System Development and
Perspectives from Organization Theory. In: H.-E. Nissen
et al. (Eds.), Quality of Work Versus Quality of Information
Systems, Part II, pp. 224-237. University of Lund: Department of
Information and Computer Sciences. |
O-1 |
Stage, J. (1985) On the Process of Describing
Organizations. Approaching a Conceptual Framework for Evaluation of System
Development Methods. In: L. Mathiassen et al.
(Eds.), Report of the 8th Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering, Part II, pp. 418-436. Århus University:
Computer Science Department. |
T-5 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1999) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Aalborg University:
Department of Computer Science. |
T-4 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1994) Object-Oriented Design (In Danish: Objektorienteret
design) .
Aalborg University: Institute for
Electronic Systems. |
T-3 |
Mathiassen, L., Munk-Madsen, A., Nielsen, P. A. and
Stage, J. (1992) OOA&D: Analysis (In Danish: OOA&D: Analysedel) . Aalborg University: Institute for Electronic
Systems. |
T-2 |
J. (1990) Formal Techniques for Specification and Verification of Modula-2
Programs (In Danish: Formelle teknikker til specifikation og verifikation af
Modula-2 programmer). Aalborg University: Institute for Electronic
Systems, R 90-40. |
T-1 |
Stage, J. (1985) Contributions to Computer
Science Didactics. On
Elementary Computer Science Education (In Danish: Bidrag til en datalogisk fagdidaktik. Om
datalogiundervisning på elementært niveau) . Aalborg University: Institute for Electronic Systems. |
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